Rude Awakenings

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Sam and Dean were asleep in their crappy motel room beds. Even though the springs sucked and it probably had twenty bed bugs, Dean was sleeping like a baby. Sam, on the other hand, was tossing and turning, groaning all the while. Finally, his uncomfortably woke him up at he forced his heavy lids open, only to see a women's back right in front of him. He searched his memories for a few seconds, trying to remember if he had a women in his bed last night. He quickly sat up, ignoring the dizziness it sent to his head. He reached for his gun and pointed it at who ever was next to him when he realized he hadn't.

"Who are you?!" He exclaimed. In the next few seconds, Dean sprung up, noticed Sam's state and quickly pulled his gun out too, the girl next to Sam sprung up and reached under her pillow only to find her gun wasn't there, and the girl next to Dean copied the other girl's motions. When the girl next to Dean sprung up, he pointed his gun at her and stared daggers into the back of her head.

"Who the hell are you?!" Dean exclaimed. The girl in Dean's bed turned slightly to see the gun pointed at her. In one swift motion she was able to pin down the arm with the gun in it and straddle Dean, who was very unsuspecting of this movement.

"Who the hell are you?" She questioned. Sam, too distracted by the scene in the bed next to himself, was able to be venerable enough to allow the girl in Sam's bed to do the same motion as was done to Dean. Dean pushed himself up and switched their positions, pointing the gun at her once more.

"Don't get me wrong, I'd love waking up next to you, but unfortunately I have no idea who the hell you are," Dean said and the girl rolled her eyes.

"Don't act like you usually know who you're sleeping with." Dean shifted his jaw.
"Look, obviously neither of us know who each other are," the girl atop Sam said. "So, why don't we just drop the guns and talk about this rationally."

Sam and Dean shared a look, unsure whether to trust them or not. The girl below Dean finally got a good look at the gun in Dean's hand and her eyes turned a mix between angry and confused.

"Hey! That's my gun!" She exclaimed. Dean took a glance at the gun in his hand and looked back at her with a confused expression.

"No, it's not," he argued, not letting his guard down as he knew she could just be trying to distract him.

"Yeah, it is! I sleep with it under my pillow!" She argued, squirming underneath Dean.

"Look, lady, I don't know what you're talking about but this is my gun, alright? I sleep with it under my pillow." The girl's eyes turned to extremely pissed and Dean had to admit that it scared him a bit. The girl above Sam looked at the gun in his hand and made a quick grab for it. Sam, noticing her movements, quickly pulled it back. Both of them became entangled within each other, fighting for the gun. That was until a shot was fired, redecorating the motel's floral wallpaper.

"Sammy!" The couple in Dean's bed both exclaimed in concern. They both whipped their heads around to face each other in alarm.

"How the hell do you know his name?" Dean asked in anger before she could even finish her question.

"How the hell do you know her name?" She questioned with the same amount of destain in her voice and Dean looked over at the other couple.

"Wait a second, are both your names Sam?" Dean asked. The girl that was entangled within Sam looked around, unsure if she should answer. The girl below Dean took this distraction to her advantage and quickly flipped Dean and her's positions and made her escape off the bed. She wasn't, however, able to take the gun from Dean. So, as soon as she was up from the bed, a gun was just repointed at her. She clenched her jaw and raised her hands.

"Alright," Sam started, voice slightly choked from the girl's arm tightly laid over his neck. "Let's just put the guns down and talk about this." Sam looked over at the girl with the hand on the Sam gun he was holding and raised his eyebrows at her. She ground her teeth but released the gun from her grasp, Sam doing the same, letting it fall to a clatter on the floor next to the bed. Dean continued to point the gun at the emerald-eyes girl.

"Your turn, big boy," she said, thrusting her chin out in his direction. Dean clenched his jaw and kept his grip on the gun. Sam sighed and made his over to Dean. Dean allowed the gun to be taken from him and listened as the gun was emptied of it's bullets.

"Okay! So, we've established that both our names are Sam, correct?" Sam announced, looking at the girl that had come next to him. She nodded and then so did Sam. "Okay, so your turn." Sam gestured to the blonde, green-eyed girl.

"No way. I don't even know who the hell you guys are," she scoffed and Dean rolled his eyes.

"Just tell us your name, princess," Dean groaned and she whipped her head over to glare at Dean.

"Don't princess me, pretty boy," she snapped and Dean whipped his head back in offense.

"Friggin' bitch," Dean mumbled and she took a warning step towards him. The brunette made a sound, catching her attention, and flashed her a look, stopping her in her tracks.

"Fine," Sam sighed. "We'll tell you our names first...I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother, Dean." Sam gestured to Dean who gave a sarcastic wave. The two girls shared confused look and gave a strange look back to the boys.

"Yeah, you probably heard of us, we've saved the world a few times," Dean said sarcastically. Sam looked over and gave him a bitch face, which Dean just responded to with a shrug. The girl's faces, on the other hand, didn't change and they continued to stare in confusion. Dean looked between them.


"Is this some sort of cosmic joke?" The brunette asked and Dean pulled his eyebrows together and looked over at Sam, who shared a similar expression, then back at the girls.


"I don't have friggin' time for some lame-ass attempt at a prank, okay? So, either explain who the hell you're with or get the hell out," the blonde commanded, venom dripping into her words. Dean looked taken aback and stared at the girl in shock. The next few seconds consisted of tension filled silence.

"Look, we don't know what the hell you guys are talking about," Sam finally broke the silence, his lack of knowledge written all over his face.

"Yeah, right. We're not buyin' it," the blonde snapped. Dean scoffed, looking around in astonishment.

"So that little wake up call wasn't a sign that we don't know what the hell is going on?" Dean snapped right back. The blonde quickly made a dash to the floor of the side of the bed where the gun both Sam's dropped lay and quickly pointed at Dean. Dean put his hands up in defense.

"Now tell me who the hell you are," she commanded, her finger on the trigger.

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