Chapter 3: Can you feel the traction?

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Dances with Wolff Arc
Chapter 3: Can you feel the traction?

Emilia Romana

After spending days away in Monaco, you had enough time to clear your mind and go for a Toto detox. You felt you needed it after all those weeks of having him near you and being too fixated on him; it came to a point where all your mind did in its free time was wander to him, along was also that other bad habit you developed of texting him daily beside making dumb excuses to go to him in the paddock and spend time with him outside business environments; like some sort of loyal puppy following his owner everywhere begging for his attention and some pat.

Of course, no one knew about this; you two preferred keeping it private.

No one knew about that one time you two went to grab dinner by the bay in Baku. He looked extra handsome that night while waiting for you, leaning against that ridiculous Mercedes vintage car that for sure gave his team a headache to get it there, making your heart skip when you saw him in that expensive-looking three-piece suit, wearing his reading glasses on and smiling fully at you as you approached him down at the entryway of the luxury hotel you were staying at, you looked gorgeous and elegant yourself too wearing a stunning Zuhair Murad golden sheer-embroidered dress. Toto couldn't contain himself from staring you down as you effortlessly went down the stairs and reached him, and you couldn't avoid sniffing him - as discretely as possible - when he hugged you hi; you loved his scent; that Paco Rabanne cologne of his was beginning to get impregnated in your mind.

Or about those long walks on the beach in Miami in the early hours to enjoy the sunrise together before heading to work. One of those days, you walked by the sea in comfortable silence, hands touching, just enjoying the view and yourselves, feeling the warm sun on your skin. The following day, you acted all playful on the beach. You had the most fun time pushing him towards the ocean to get his bare feet wet and teasing him to get him to sink in, not expecting Toto to chase you on the sand, run after you, and pick you up to bring you inside the water with him. You tried to ignore the dirty thoughts you had when Toto manhandled you with such ease and when your bodies brushed and bumped against each other in the wave's movements.

Toto did his very best to avoid getting aroused by the sight of your wet clothes tight on your skin, drawing your curves and muscles and how tiny your waist felt between his arms. You wanted so badly to take off his shirt and to draw the veins on his arms with your fingers while running a hand all over his bare chest, and Toto wanted so badly to run his hands up your thighs and ass, to make your beach dress go up and get it out of the way.

Your attention didn't seem to bother him since Toto didn't push you away, but neither pushed you closer, which confused you. It's like he wants you by his side, yet nothing ever happens at the end; this makes you feel needy and a bit desperate, which you hate. Both are falling into a grey area that could be potentially dangerous or hurtful, and action is needed: either you risk it or let it go.

So, you arrive at Imola with a new mindset; you will try to go cold turkey on him. It would be best for the two of you to go back to business only; the Hungary GP is near and will require all your mind and strength. It's vital for your plan's success; you will not fail! No, after years of waiting for this chance!


It's pouring rain. The cars don't even hit the track when all teams must leave the garages. The skies are all grey and full of clouds, and a gloomy mood sets in as everyone is taking shelter at their team's motorhomes and hospitalities, making you all feel isolated in a desert-looking paddock.

You observe, from high above, a few people rush to cross from one side to the other underneath their heavy jackets, taking cover from the cold heavy rain while trying to dodge slipping in the large puddles on the concrete lane, looking through the panoramic windows, inside your warm office on the second floor of the W building as you finish discussing safety with your team and drivers, waiting for the FIA updates on the direct line, free practice gets postponed till further notice.

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