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*Walks towards da restaurant*

Y/n : So where is that yeonj- 

Y/n was bout to speak smz then a voice interpeted  her

Unknown : are u tzuyu?

Y/n: yeh wae?

Unknown : Oh! Hello I'm yeonjun 

Y/n: ohhhhhh yeh I see

Unknown: take a seat we'll order smz to eat 

Y/n : oki, waiterrrr

Y/n: I want tteobokki, ramen, kimbap, chocolate cake and sushi, that all I want

Yeonjun: u don't needa order for me

Y/n: who said I'm ordering for u-, it's all for meh

Yeonjun: oh ha-ha (awkward silence)

Yeonjuns pov:-

(Yeonjun: she's so cute while eating, I think I'll fall for her plus she doesn't do any diets like other girls I like this type of girls)

End of yeonjuns pov 

Y/n's pov:-

(Y/n: tf this brat is starring at me.....)

Y/n: u want this? *while pointing at kimbap*

Yeonjun: no no ty I'll excuse myself 

After few minutes ~~~

Y/n: saurrrr damn he really disappeared into thin air 

Yeonjun: heyo I'm back, let's go *he pays da bill and goes towards beach with y/n*


Yeonjun: ik ur not tzuyu

Y/n: wut? I'm tzuyu

Yeonjun: ik we haven't met irl but I told one of my worker to gimme tzuyu's pic 

Y/n: aaah haha *RUNS AWAY*

yeonjun: *hold y/n by her waist* U NEEDA COME WITH ME TO POLICE STATION

y/n: NOO NO NO ILL DO ANYTHING U WANT BUT DONT TAKE ME TO DA POLICEE PLZZZZ 😭 *while rubbing meh palms together and convincing*

Yeonjun: oh, really anything?

Y/n : yeh anything!!

Yeonjun: hmm okay then do meh homework for 2 week

Y/n: 2 week?!? That's too much-

Yeonjun: 4 weeks, if u complain I'll increase da time

Y/n: but cmonnn

Yeonjun: no but's just do as I say or else POLICE STATION ✨✨

Y/n: yeh yeh fine 🙄 *in annoyed tone*


*enters da classroom walks to meh seat and sits watches tzuyu and soobin being lovey dovey*

Y/n: ugh not again 😑 TF IS WRONG WITH U TWOO

tzuyu: wut? I'm just talking with him~

Y/n: while clinging in his arm like worm- 

tzuyu: so wut happened last night did ya got caught? 

Y/n: BISHA U NEEDA DO MEh H.W ( homework) NOW. Ur so called blind date now wants me to do his h.w. cuz I got caught ITS ALL BECUZ OF U, COME HERE U PIECE OF SHIT 




(Later that evening)

Y/n: ughhhh I'm so exhaustedddd 😩

(she takes out notebooks and starts doing her homework, suddenly hears her phone ringing sees 👀  caller ID)

Y/n: huh? Unknown no.? Who could it be *picks up da call*

Y/n: hello? Who is it

Unknown: Oh hey! It's me yeonjun  

Y/n: ugh wut now😐 

Yeonjun: remember u needa do meh homework, I have kept meh notebooks 8n ur bag check it and complete it bbg baiiii~ *he ends da call*

Y/n: wtf did that bitch just called me bbg?!? Wutever tbh I needa complete his and my homework since tzuyu is gone in date with meh stupid brother 😑gurl really have bad taste  I feel sowwy for her-



Spoiler ⁉️⁉️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Yeonjun spotted in school's party 

blind date with stranger,  (yeonjun ff)Where stories live. Discover now