Chapter 2

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"Hyungiee.. Leave me.. I've to go and freshen up.." Koo said while trying to get out of his man's iron grip on his waist..

"Mmmm.. Koo.. Sleep more.. It's still early" Tae replied sleepily while hugging his Bun closer..

"It's 7:30am , Hyungiee.. Wake up , you lazy Bear.. Don't you have any meetings today.." Koo softly said while playing with Tae's hair..

"Mmm.. I have, Baby.. But it's at 12:00pm .. There's still soooo much time left.. Also, you said that you'll stay at home today.. So, let's sleep for some more time.." Saying this, the bear nuzzled the bunny's hair..

"Hyungieee.. I stayed home to study, not to sleep.. "

"Just till 8:00pm .. I promise we'll wake up after that.. "

"But -"

"Please Sweetie.. Cuddle with your handsome Tiger.. After that, you can look at those ugly books as much as you want.."

"Heyy!! My books aren't ugly.."

"Ok ok.. They aren't.. But I'm more good looking.. So, pay attention to me.."

"Mmm.. *lil yawn* Finee.. Let's cuddle.."
Saying this, they again went to their Tiger & Bunny Land~~

" Saying this, they again went to their Tiger & Bunny Land~~

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At 10:00 am

"Darling, I'm going now for the meeting.. Remember to have some snacks and rest in between your study sessons.. I'll be back around 2:30pm .. If you feel hungry, then have your lunch.. Ok?? "  Said Taehyung while wearing his coat ..

*Tae wearing coat*

*Tae wearing coat*

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"Yess Hyungiee.. I will do as you said.."  Koo answered while handing Taehyung his suitcase..

"Bye Sweetheart.." Tae kissed Koo's forehead and bid his goodbye..

"Bye Hyungiee.. Take care.." Koo replied after kissing Tae's cheeks..

*Tae went to his car and the driver drove to Kim Corporation..*

Koo's Pov

Hmm.. Now let's study Chemistry..

*saying this, Koo wore his specs and started solving the questions*

*saying this, Koo wore his specs and started solving the questions*

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Time Skip After 2 hours

Koo's Pov

Ahh.. Why do I feel so cold when it's sunny outside.. Umm.. Maybe cause I washed my hair today.. Hmm.. Yeah.. That might be the reason..

Anyways, let's rest.. Hyungiee might come soon.. Let's see, what Jiminie Hyungiee had made for lunch..

*If y'all are wondering how Minie is there, when TaeKook live together in their new house.. Well, Tae can't leave his Darling alone.. So, he called Minie to come to here and take care of his Bun..*

*Koo goes to kitchen and sees his  Minie Hyungiee cooking*

*Koo goes to kitchen and sees his  Minie Hyungiee cooking*

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Koo : Hyungiee !! What are you cooking??

Minie : That you'll see when you come to eat.. Now tell me how did your study session went?? You finished earlier today..

Koo : Oohh.. That.. Well, I don't why but I'm feeling very cold , Hyungiee..

Minie : Huh?? But it's sunny outside.. You sure you're not sick or something..

Koo : No Hyungiee.. I'm not sick.. Just feeling chilly ..

Minie : Then go and take some rest.. Switch off the fans and if you want, then take a blanket too..

Koo : Mhmm.. Ok Hyungiee.. Call me when Taehyungiee Hyungiee comes ..

Minie : I will.. Have a good rest..

*Koo in blanket*

*Koo in blanket*

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