My life after

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So I wanted to be famous, and I wanted everything that Miley had, and I started looking up to her for her behavior and such. I shaved my head, except for the top section, and I really liked it. I wanted to do everything she did and I wanted to be just like her. I liked her outlook on religion, and life, and i wanted to have the same opinion.

*after thinking...

I realized I was me. ME. I wasn't her. There is no way I can be her either. I was me. I had to be content with my life or else I would never be happy. I still love her and respect all the actions she chooses to make, and secretly I wish i could be her or her best friend, but I'm not. And that's okay. I'm me. And me is all I could be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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