Chapter 3

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Miranda Sanchez pov

The day passed by fast. Misha came back home an hour ago seemingly to be exhausted. She complained about the customers behavior, apparently, they were rude and unfair towards her. I honestly felt bad for her, she needed a vacation to relieve herself from the stress. Misha decided to sleep early so I waved her off in agreement.

First semester of school is starting next week, I had nothing else to do so I decided to watch some shows on Disney.

While watching a show I found on Disney, I could feel myself growing comfortable on the couch. I was slowly falling asleep until I heard my phone ringing. I deliberately ignored it and continued to doze off, but it didn't stop ringing so I grabbed it from the coffee table and answered it. 

"Hello?" My voice came out rather raspy. 

I listened to the other line but there was only silence.

"Hello?" I said once again.

I was about to hang up until I heard breathing then someone spoke.

"Hi, is this the drunken girl from the club?" A giggle escaped my lips, his voice sounded so soothing and deep. It's the kind of voice that would keep you in a trance, you could listen to him speak for hours and never get tired.

But who was I speaking to.

"Hello, can you hear me?" I heard him ask.

"Hm, I'm listening." I replied back. I was really dozed off. "I'm Armani, the guy you kissed at the party." I was about to say something until I remembered the kiss I had at the club.

I immediately sat up straight, abandoning the fact that I was falling asleep.

"So that's what your name is." I whispered to myself, well at least I thought I did.

I heard a deep chuckle from the other side of the phone. "Yes, indeed that's my name. And what might your name be little vixen." 

My cheeks were completely flushed in crimson red... vixen. He called me a little vixen.

"Miranda Sanchez, but my friends and family call me Mira." I heard a chuckle from his side of the line.

"You have a beautiful name Miranda." He complimented me, this bought a blush on my face immediately. "Thank you, Armani. I feel honored to be complimented by a men like you."

"A man like me? What do you mean vixen?" I kept quiet for a few seconds then replied back. "You're an attractive man I'll admit, you don't seem like you would just go around complimenting women."

He let out a soft chuckle. "You think highly of me. But I didn't call you to discuss about looks." I almost forgot about his reason of calling. "Oh yes, I was invested in our conversion, sorry."

"No need to apologize. But moving on, I called you to ask a favour... A favour that'll cost your whole life." His words caused a pause on my side, I didn't know how to reply to that.

"What kind of favor? And why me?" I mustered up the courage to ask him. I heard some shuffling then he cleared his throat.
"Well, I'm in a tough situation right now. You're going to have to sign a contract." 

"Contract? What kind of a contract is it, will I die if I sign this contract? What do you mean it will cost my life?" I started rambling out questions.

There was a sudden pause from Armani's side until he said those three words. Words I never expected to hear until I got older.

"Let's get married." I was flustered. Completely flustered by his words.

"Married? Me and you? Excuse me for my rudeness but we do not know each other. I cannot run off and get married to a stranger." I said in panic. "That's fine, we can get to know each other before and after the marriage, and it will not last more than a year."

"Armani, I don't think you understand, marriage is a sacred thing. It's not something to play around with. I want to marry someone I truly lo-..." Before I could finish off my sentence Armani interrupted. "I'll pay you 70 000 Dollars if you agree to it."

"Well why didn't you say so from the start." I'm not a gold digger but this was my chance to make money and do something in this house, I can finally help Misha.

A deep chuckle sounded on my phone. "Money seems to fix all problems huh? I'm not complaining though little vixen." 

"No, it's not that I like money, I just need it for personal reasons." I said quickly to erase any unnecessary misunderstandings. "I know Miranda, no need to panic.

I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue, it sounded hot and sexy. 

"As much as I enjoy our time chatting, I still have things I have to deal with. It was lovely talking to you little vixen... Oh and before I forget, lets meet up tomorrow to discuss about the contract. I'll send the location.' I listened to him talk, I didn't want him to stop.

"It was lovely talking to you too Armani and ok I will take a look at it."  And with that we said our final goodbyes.

"Goodnight Miranda." I was smiling widely at this point.

"Goodnight Armani." The call cut off and I went back to watching Disney once again.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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