unsilly installment of silly book

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i talked about this yesterday or the day before, it's me getting called the r slur 🥰🥰 usernames have been left in because i honestly couldnt gaf and they're both blocked anyway 🤗

i talked about this yesterday or the day before, it's me getting called the r slur 🥰🥰 usernames have been left in because i honestly couldnt gaf and they're both blocked anyway 🤗

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now i don't know if you guys knew this

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now i don't know if you guys knew this...but calling people slurs...might offend them! it is not okay to use a slur in a derogatory way towards someone even if you can reclaim it.

for context, i got upset because someone thought ireland was in the UK and uneducated people frustrate me.

also, if this person IS autistic, what fucking level of self-hatred do you need to have to say "you really are autistic" as an insult? then repeatedly call me a r*tard, a slur that applies to the both of us??? like, truly. yeah, i am autistic, what about it?? so are you, man??? are we not in this together??? ☠️☠️

also their friend said "get educated" fym get educated?? it's my life?? i'm the autistic one, not you??? "people can call people slurs they can reclaim" people shouldn't call people slurs full stop, pooks.

"hop off your device, go outside" also was really weird like to do what? it's night? this person has a british aura so i am assuming it was night for them too and if they know basic geography, they should know ireland and the uk are the same time zone and also there had been riots the night before so like fuck was i going outside at night ☠️ (that was probably illegible but 'like fuck' is, according to urban dictionary because i couldnt describe it, an exclamation of denial similar to 'as if')

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