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Aubrey answered the door while she blew her hair dry. Steve greeted her in the doorway.

"Hey," he said.

"Morning. What's up?" Aubrey asked. 

"Morning, Aubrey. Everybody wants to see you," Steve said. 

"Okay...why?" Aubrey asked.

"Just want to have a short talk," he turned and left Aubrey wondering whether she did something wrong. He seemed awful short with her. She finished blowing her hair dry and chased after him.

In the living room, Clint was lying on the couch with Natasha leaning on the armrest at the short space by his feet,  Tony was asking them to get up, annoyed, and Bruce was making coffee in the kitchen while Thor devoured pop-tarts.

"Good morning," Aubrey said cautiously. "You wanted to see me?"

"Aubrey!" Tony said, looking up. Aubrey groaned. "Tell Clint to sit up. He's taking up the whole couch."

"I told you not to call me that," she grumbled. "Clint, will you please sit up?" Clint pulled his legs up to make just enough room for her by Natasha. "Thanks." Aubrey sat down and Tony made an indignant noise.

"You moved for her?!" he exclaimed.

"For her, Tony, I would," Clint said, grinning. Steve walked in balancing a glass of orange juice and a plate of toast on his hand.

"Okay, wait, why did y'all want to see me?" Aubrey asked.

"Y'all?" Tony snorted.

"I'm from Georgia, honey," Aubrey returned.

"Right. Aubrey, first of all, Bruce finished analyzing your blood sample, and he'll tell you everything when he finishes the coffee, and second, we want you to start training," Steve informed her. Aubrey choked.

"Training?" she said incredulously. "Why?"

"Well, we kind of need Bruce to tell you why ..." Steve said.

"Banner! Come here!" Thor yelled. "Lady Aubrey grows impatient!"

"Thor! I am not! I will wait," Aubrey said, flushing slightly.

"It's fine, the coffee's done anyways," Bruce came in carrying a cup. Tony jumped up and practically ran to the kitchen. Aubrey heard him mutter thank god under his breath. Judging by his messy hair and half-awake expression, Tony was not a morning person. Bruce sat down on the couch after Clint finally moved to a sitting position. 

"So. Aubrey," he began. 

"Um, yes?" Aubrey replied tentatively. She didn't know where this was going. 

"Your DNA is partially Asgardian."

"Excuse me, what?" 

"Your DNA is partially Asgardian."

"Gee, thanks. That's not what I meant!"

"I know what you meant," Bruce said calmly. "And I'm just as shocked as you are."

"You're not acting like it!"

"That's because I'm also not that surprised - now that I've thought it through."

"Explain." Aubrey crossed her arms.

"The energy wave you sent out, it looked similar to Loki's style of magic. Thor told me he learned Asgardian magic from his mother, and that Asgardian magic has qualities that differ it from other systems." Bruce sipped his coffee.

"Such as?"

"Oh, energy wave size and shape, flashy colors, and it's also internalized."

"Which means?"

"It means that it's ingrained into your blood, your heart, your DNA, everything. It's apart of you, not something that you have to gain from somewhere else, or draw power for."

"Oh. What does that mean for me?" Aubrey's stomach hurt and she wanted to get up and walk her nerves off.

"I don't know," Bruce told her. "I'm sorry. I don't know that much." 

"What?" Aubrey felt like throwing up now.

"I don't know what it means for you."

"No, I know-"

"Aubrey, relax," Tony said. "Bruce is going to - heck, I'll even help him  - do some more research and try to help you figure this out." 

"Take some deep breaths," Steve advised. "You look kind of panicky." 

"I - I did not know this," Aubrey said. She stood up. "I'm getting some coffee." 

"Mugs are in the cabinet beside the fridge!" Tony called after her. When she came back, Aubrey felt slightly more composed. 

"So, is that why you came to see what the magic was?" she asked, blowing on her steaming mug. 

"Yes. We thought that it was maybe Loki. It wasn't, but we still found him," Thor said. "Also, you ought to come back to Asgard soon. We may be able to figure out your parentage there."

" Asgard?" Aubrey repeated faintly. "I don't know about inter-dimensional travel... I get carsick sometimes..."

"Carsick?" Thor said blankly.

"Er, I don't want to do that. Basically," Aubrey said.

"Very well. Father may insist you do one day, however, seeing as either your mother or your father was one of his citizens."

"Father. My mother lived with me," Aubrey said.

"Aubrey, are you feeling alright?" Natasha said, speaking for the first time.

"I'm...not dead," Aubrey said.

"That's good. What about a little more than that?" Natasha prompted her.

"I, um, I'll be fine. Can I go to my room. I kind of need to think about this," Aubrey said.

"Go on," Steve said kindly. "We'll talk about training later." Aubrey flinched. She didn't really want to do that either. She was honestly perfectly fine not knowing how to fight. Then she turned back around and gathered the courage to ask a question. 

"Can I talk to Loki?" she said. 

"Why?" Clint asked. "That guy's..." he muttered something Aubrey couldn't hear and probably unrepeatable under his breath. 

"Because...I want to ask him if he knew what I was," Aubrey said. "Please?" 

"Aubrey, I don't know if that's a good idea..." Steve told her. 

"It is not a good idea," Tony said. "Reindeer Games is crazy dangerous."

"He's not hurt me yet," Aubrey argued. 

"Let her go," Natasha piped up. "She has the right to ask him a question." Aubrey gave her a grateful smile and the others relented. 

"Fine. But I'm coming with you," Tony grumbled. Aubrey rolled her eyes. 

"I can take care of myself," she protested. Tony rolled his eyes and ignored her. "Fine, whatever. Let's go." Tony escorted her to the elevator and down to the negative second floor.

"Why's it negative?" Aubrey asked as they went down.

"Because it's underground," Tony said as if it were obvious.

"Oh." Aubrey considered this. It still didn't make a lot of sense to her...but whatever. The reached the negative second floor and Aubrey hopped out. Tony led her through the halls she pretended not to know until they reached a guarded door. The guard was wide awake this time and he let Tony through. Inside, Loki stood watching them enter, as if he had anticipated their arrival. Aubrey stepped forward.

"Did you know?" she asked. "Did you know that I had Asgardian magic?" She read the answer on his face before he answered.

"Of course, my darling. How could I not?"

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