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warning(s) - none

Your POV
Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned and stretched my legs, throwing my clock to shut it up. I hopped off my bed and walked to my bathroom only to be stopped by a knock at my door.

"Who knocks at 6 in the morning?" I shrugged it off and walked to my front door to be greeted by Strawberry Cookie.

"A-Ah! Y/N, sorry to disturb you so early in the morning, but me, Gingerbrave, and Zombie Cookie were wondering if you wanted to go with us on a q-quest... I-It's okay if you say no, we understand." She shyly tightened her casual strawberry hoodie.

This is sudden, but who could turn down on an exciting quest?! "Sure, Of course I would be dumb to say no to a adventure, when are we going?" I let out a yawn because it was so early in the morning, but for what I could tell Strawberry started smiling in her hoodie.

"Around 12pm, see you there!"Strawberry ran back to wherever she came from.

I chuckled and walked back to my bathroom to brush my fluffy/straight/curly hair and put on my normal clothes. I smile as I looked myself in the mirror, "perfect!" then I walked into the kitchen to grab me some bear jellies, empty.. "oh great im out, i'll go pick me some more I suppose."

I put on a dark blue oversized hoodie and make my way into the woods to see Alchemist Cookie? She turns around before I could even say anything.

Alchemist greets me with a smile "Oh! Salutations
Y/N, how you doing?" "I'm doing fine, what are you doing out here in the woods?" I looked over to see what she was doing, she had a few sample bottles with tweezers.

"I could ask you the same thing, but im just looking around for some ingredients for my new potion im making, nothing special." I nodded and dug my hands in my hoodie pocket. "I'm looking for some bear jellies before I head off on my quest with Gingerbrave and the others." I shrugged looking around the forest a bit.

Alchemist perked up and smiled. "Oh! That reminds me, I have a few in my bag that you can have!" Alchemist digs through her bag and passed me a bag of bear jellies. "Oh you don't really have to!" "I insist, I have some more at my lab anyways." I grabbed the bag of bear jellies and we said our goodbyes.

I walked back to my house eating some bear jellies (I'm slowly getting tired of the word bear jellies tbh 😭) before checking the time 8am "Well I guess in the meantime I can train." I walk into my room and grab my sword and headed out to the training area.

As I walk I came across to see my bestfriend Chili Pepper cookie stealing a coin from Wizard cookie, I snicker a bit as she fails and gets caught; earning a lecture from Wizard.

"It's bad to steal Chili Pepper! I don't know why Gingerbrave allowed you in our Kingdom!"
Chili Pepper then scoffs

"Well if I'm going to stay here I might get take something at least really valuable." She cross her arms then spots me.

She walks over to me obviously not wanting to hear Wizards nagging voice. "N/N! (Nickname) save me or I might die of boredom." She groans leaning onto me.

"Don't you think you're over reacting a bit?" I chuckled before looking at a dummy before striking a hit, stuffing pops out the arm where I landed the blow.

"Possibly, anyways, why are you training so early in the morning? You usually train around 3pm or so."
Chili Pepper leans against a dummy flipping her dagger in her hand.

"I'm using up my extra time before I head out on a quest." I strike a few more blows till the dummy's head came off  "Oops."

"Well I'm gonna let you do that cya Y/N" Chili Pepper walks off trying to steal shiny jewelry from some cookie and I just nodded continuing my training.

??? POV
I slowly walk (slither?) around the ruins, trying to find something Logan has to have to help me become a dragon "nothing here ssshoot..."

"Snake Fruit!" Logan shouts from the halls

I hop up and scatter out their room "Yesss Logan?"
"It's Master Logan.." Logan snapped at me and I forced a smile on my face. "Yesss Master Logan?" I corrected myself.

"I want you to go out and collect some stuff for me in the woods." I nodded and walked out the temple to go get Logan Dragon wanted me to get.
I sighed and sat down on a log.

"I wonder if I'm actually going to be a dragon..."

Your POV
It was 11:30  and I was getting ready to head out on the quest and met up with Strawberry for a quick snack before we head out "Y-Y/N?" I looked over to Strawberry and paused eating my sandwich to look over at her.

"When we're done with the quest I-I have to tell you something okay?" She slightly tightens her hoodie looking back at the ground.

"Oh Alright?" I looked at her confused and shrugged it off taking another bite from my sandwich

"Hey guys! We're going early let's go!" Gingerbrave yells from the field with Zombie right next to him.

"Well looks like we're going, come on." I lend my hand out to Strawberry and she shyly grabbed my hand to stand up. And off we went.

Gingerbrave lead the way, I had a few cuts here and there from the thorns but we made a camp to rest for a few, I sat by the campfire and made some s'mores.

(Time Skip)
We packed our supplies and kept walking "how long is it going to take to get there?" I complained my legs sore from walking already. "Not far! Trust me!" Gingerbrave been through so many quests no wonder he's used to this, so is Zombie and Strawberry.

After a few more minutes we finally made it to.... Wait. Where are we? "Woah.." I look up to see a Japanese style temple of some sort, the others look in amazement. "Zombie heard of this place but didn't expect it to be so beautifullll." Zombie groaned out.

"Well what are we waiting for let's go!" I shouted and walked to the temple.

A/N: so I forgot to mention that this is a mix between cookie run overbake and cookie run kingdom.

So like yeah my fault. See you guys next chapter! <3

Words: 1119

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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