Soul Tied

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I'm walking down the hallway at my community college trying not to pay attention to the masses around me. My old AirPods reverberate with the sensual sound of BTS' Pied Piper. Someone bumps into me and my books fly out of my hands and onto the floor,

"Watch where you're going Koreaboo!" It's Dylan Connors the school it boy and football star.

"Whatever", I grumble and bend down to pick up my books. I can't wait to be free if this stupid school after graduation in 3 days.

"Hey girl, you okay?" Jenna, my best friend, stoops to help me up.

"I'll be better once we are out of here and on our way to Korea!" I say with a grin I can't control. Jenna and I are taking our own senior trip to visit Korea and see a BTS concert in person.

"Just a few more days, y/n" she says patting me on the back. Not soon enough I think to myself.


The boys and I are just finishing up a dance practice when Manager Sejin comes into the practice room,

"how's it going boys?" He asks.

"Great! We are almost ready for our concert!" Says Hoseok enthusiastically. He's the sunshine of the group...unless we mess up a dance move.

"Good! Let's go get something to eat before we finish up the concert details" Sejin motions toward the door. Great, I'm starving. I match my stride to Jimin's as we head to gather our belongings,

"Should we get dumplings!?" I ask shoving him playfully.

"Yah!" He quacks, and pretends to square up for a fight. Jimin is my best friend and basically my platonic soulmate, I'm still waiting to find my romantic soulmate. Everyone has a soulmate, until you're destined to meet you switch bodies at completely random times for about an hour each time. For some people it starts in childhood, others in their teens or twenties. It's called Astral Body Navigation. Namjoon found his soulmate several years ago, they are married with 2 kids now, they switched bodies for the first time while we were filming a BTS Run episode. It was hilarious. Jimin was currently in the process of meeting his soulmate. She was really nice and relied on me to help her navigate our life whenever they switched. She lived on Jeju Island and they were planning to meet up finally this weekend. Yoongi and his soulmate had switched for the first time in middle school school and it had turned out they were classmates. They had been together ever since.

"Did you and Yeong Joo switch bodies recently?" I ask as we head out to the van to get something to eat.

"Yeah we switched yesterday actually. Since it was a day off we just talked most of the day and she organized some stuff in my apartment!" Jimin laughs. I can't wait to switch with my soulmate for the first time.

Y/N - Seoul Korea 1 week later

I'm finally in Korea! I dash out the front of the swanky hotel Jenna's dad is paying for and do a twirl. This is amazing! And tomorrow will be even better! I get to see BTS person in person. I have never been more excited in all my 23 years!

"Slow down!" Laughs Jenna as she follows me out into the street.

"Sorry! I'm just so excited! What should we do first? Go out to eat?" I link my arm in hers and we make our way down the crowded street. This may be my first time in Korea, but Jenna's mom was born in Seoul and her grandparents still lived here, so she had visited once a year since she was a baby.

"I know this amazing place! It just so happens to be owned by the one and only Seokjin!" She wiggles her way, she got reservations at Seokjin's restaurant?!!

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