Time Travel

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TW: Slight Bodyshaming but none

(Feel free to change gender of Y/N)


It was 2017, Alex was just streaming a Roblox raid. After the raid he sat on his bed, scrolling through social media. There were some generous and nice comments, and on the other side there were bodyshaming comments and completely rude comments that were probably trolls. He felt a bit sad about the bodyshaming comments but brushed it off as much as he could.

"Oh fuck off.." Alex mumbled and got off his bed, there was this Buzztube ad showing an article explaining how to time travel. Alex rolled his eyes and scoffed, not believing it but wanting to distract himself.

"Whatever, i'll try it out, probably won't work. Buzztube is full of retards" Said Alex a bit annoyed. He tried the steps which consisted of turning a flashlight on, which he did with his Motorola phone, he shook the phone left and right and the light appeared. Then it said to point it at the wall, he did and pointed it at his yellow wall. Then it said to trace a circle on the wall where the flashlight was facing. Alex scoffed at how ridiculous this was making him look.

"Seriously?" He muttered as he traced a circle. Lastly, it said to turn off the flashlight and step through the wall. Alex stared at the wall for a minute and looked skeptical if he wasn't just about to walk and bang his being on the wall.

"Well here goes nothing." Alex mumbled as he walked to the wall, he closed his eyes as to brace for the painful bang on the wall that his mother would surely hear and question and scold him for. Somehow he walked right through the wall.

"W-what the fuck?!" Alex said confused and bewildered, it was impossible. He just walked through a solid, how did that even work. He looked around, he was in a different room.. or house. The walls were white and the floor was light brown. He didn't know what to do, and for gods sake he didn't even know what timeline it was since he just time traveled supposedly. He knew for a fact it wasn't 2017 anymore.

"What the-" Said a voice behind him. He turned around quickly and confused. There was a guy who was probably in their 20s. With shoulder length black hair, a grey beanie, brown eyes and moles, and probably 2 inches taller then him, looking at him heavily confused and probably wondering how he got in. Alex thought he looked familiar.

"W-where am I? What year is it?!" Asked Alex confused. The guy looked surprised and in awe, as if he was looking at someone he missed or knew very well.

"Well you're in California, and it's 2023.. what's your name?" Asked the guy, it seemed like he was asking to make sure of something. Alex looked shocked that he had traveled 6 years later in the future, and he was in California now which was new.

"W-wow uhm.. my name is Alex.. and yours..?" Asked Alex softly, completely excited on the inside that he was in a completely different year. The guy looked in awe and so much more shocked, he sat down and looked at Alex.

"It can't be.. it's literally impossible.. how did you get here?!" Asked the guy frantically, Alex looked at him confused.

"What do you mean? Do you know me or something..?" Asked Alex a bit scared. The guy's expression softened, he sighed and spoke.

"I'm you, Alex.. i'm you but what you can call your future self.. if you're wondering how old I am 23.. and i'm turning 24 in December so not so long until that.. heh.." Said the guy nervously, his eyes darting around the room. Alex froze and stared at him, he had so many questions. He cleared his throat and spilled them all out.

"Soyou'reme?!whatsmylifelikein2023?!whataboutakselandaniandhoover?!whatabouttherobloxraids?!mycommentaries?!doistillgetbodyshamed..?amifamous?!howmanysubscribersandfollowers?!howsmytwitchandyoutube?!myhairgrewalot!ilookhot!amibetterthandolandark?!imthebetterduck?!tellme!" Blurted out Alex excitedly, the older Alex looked stunned and giggled.

"One at a time, mijo" He said scratching the back of his head. He softly smiled and Alex sighed.

"So how's my life right now? I'm not bodyshamed anymore?" Alex asked softly. Older Alex's expression softened.

"Well you have 6.3 million followers on twitch, and what's even better is that you have a hispanic community so that means we have 4 million followers on our Spanish twitch channel!" Said older Alex proudly, Alex looked surprised at the fact he actually started speaking Spanish on his videos and streams. And he was so happy to know that he got that many followers, he probably must've be rich.

"Wow" Said Alex stunned, having words stuck in his throat.

"And yeah, you do sometimes get bodyshamed but I really don't care nor pay attention to it." Saidolder Alex sounding firm and secure. Alex was in awe.

"I guess you could say that you're famous, and yup, you're better than Dolan Dark by possibly a lot but who cares. I did indeed grow my hair, I was tired of having it short. I don't do commentary anymore too since I realized I was a bit too controversial and offensive." Said older Alex a bit guilty but shrugged. Alex looked a but guilty too at realization at how that could affect his career.

"Aksel and the others.. uh.. well we drifted apart, we did things that were too different and we were all okay with leaving each other." Said older Alex a bit sad but not losing that confidence. Alex seemed hurt but shrugged it off.

"Lots of things happened but don't worry, Alex, you're doing great, keep pushing foward. And not to mention we're about to about to become an official Lawyer, just 1 more year in Law school and we're a Lawyer!" Said older Alex proudly. Alex looked so overwhelmed with happiness, he always wished of being a Lawyer and worked hard in school to get good grades to get the job he wished for, him from the future telling him this felt like he had been relieved.

"Not to mention you started a whole Minecraft SMP by yourself!" Said older Alex. Alex cringed a bit at the mention of Minecraft since he kinda hated it. Older Alex noticed and giggled.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad, you literally united communities from different countries and languages together, just with one Minecraft server and a translator, the lore's real good too, we got so many new friends." Older Alex explained, looking happy. Alex liked the thought of new friends, and uniting different language communities was a dream of his as well, they were finally all respected, and so was he.

"Well, I guess it's not all cringe and retarded if you put it that way, i'm kinda excited" Said Alex smiling, older Alex kinda cringed at the word retarded.

"Okay, but besides all, this cut the dark and offensive humor off, it really will ruin you since you get cancelled and backlash for it as you get older. My humor has changed for all I know, I guess you're teen me, you don't understand how some things have impact on others but i'm telling you this since i've already gone through things you haven't gone through yet." Said older Alex concerned but smiled. Alex nodded, thinking it'd be crazy how he'd change his humor for the better but he'd probably put his mind to it.

"I'll try." Said Alex sounding determined.

"Well you gotta go back to your timeline, you can't just be wandering around here." Said older Alex. Alex nodded, before he did anything, older Alex hugged him. Alex was taken aback.

"Those negative comments about your appearance and anything else don't matter, alright? put them aside and ignore their existence." Said older Alex softly. Alex was stunned and a bit remorseful and hugged him back, now knowing he was enough. Alex pulled back.

"I-I'll get going now.." Said Alex softly, older Alex nodded. Alex redid the steps he did previously and looked back at older Alex, both of them smiling at each other and saying their final goodbyes before Alex went through the wall and ended up back in 2017. In his yellow room. He was feeling happy and content that he got to meet his future self. All because of some Buzztube article.

"That was one hell of an adventure." Said Alex bewildered and smiled.





Quackity Imagines (Female Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now