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The Scar

[Log # 23.]

[I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve gotten stuck here in this room. I feel like a prisoner trapped behind the thick glass of what’s practically a jail cell. All I have are my own thoughts—and this tape recorder—for company.
Seeing as my past twenty-three recordings haven’t raised any questions or different behavior from the staff here, I can do my best and assume it isn’t being monitored. Although, that could be what they want me to think, so later they’re able to take advantage of my weaknesses.
I’ve decided to take a chance, as I’m close to losing it already, and keep information on here. So, what’s better than starting with basic information? I could need this for later, or maybe some lucky traveler from years in the future will find this and be informed of my experiences.
I am Wynter Caster, and I am considered an “irregularity” among humans. Sure, I have the basic appearance and mindset of a human, but with wings added on to that. Hey, maybe I can slap a few plastic feathers on a bagel and they’ll call it godsend.
Point is, I’m different, and they want to know why. So here I am, stuck up in some scientific facility miles from home, in the middle of nowhere.
The staff has been good company, if you count absolute and utter lack of emotion friendly. The only interactions are for when something is needed from me. Everything has been relatively simple, though, with most occurrences being that of which you’d see in a standard doctor’s office. The worst thing so far that’s happened—in my opinion, at least—has probably got to be having blood drawn. I have a bandage wrapped around my arm from how frequent they need it. I’m sure it’s bruised underneath.
But the shrills of sheer agony that come from a few sectors over tend to worry me. These walls are supposed to be soundproof. I fear that the same fate will soon come to me, when they are done harvesting my information.
I just need to stay stable, and not dwell on it too much.]

I let out a deep sigh, relaxing into the thin mattress just a little bit more. I rest my head on the concrete wall, staring up at the all-too-bland ceiling. I lift the recorder once more, switching topics in an effort to not think on the dark side of things.

[As for my personal observations, well. Every subject seems to have been given a small metal bracelet that’s been placed on their dominant hand’s wrist. Only the staff can control them, with their similar white ones. When activated, a holographic screen shows up displaying health statistics and such.
I assume it can also be used for location tracking, if I ever successfully escape from here. They’d just bring me right back. Even if the location tracking wasn’t a thing, I wouldn’t have any fast way of getting away. The ends of each of my wings had a small metal lock on them, rendering any chances at flying null. I had no idea where they kept the keys for them, as I was unconscious when they were originally placed on.
I’m stuck here until I’m useless, and the only way out is dying, it seems.
Oh shoot, what’s that–]

I quickly save and shut down the recorder, stuffing it under my pillow as I hear some footsteps nearing. I do my best to appear willing and compliant, as it’s hopefully managed to get me on the good side of at least a few of these people, if they ever decide to come at me with a chainsaw and hack me into tiny squares.
I sit patiently, looking towards my hands, like I wasn’t expecting anyone to come by. Sure enough, someone does. A couple someones, at that.
Well, this hasn’t happened before, at least as long as I’ve been here. I can’t help but begin to feel a little anxious about that.
The first one was a member I’ve come to know by the name of Amelia, probably because of how rough she was with everything. I swear I’ve seen her give me side eyes and scowl at me while she thought I wasn’t looking.
The other person, however, I didn’t recognize at first glance. It was someone new. The two stopped to quietly chat, presumably about me, but I didn’t really care. I was entranced by the introduction of a new face.
She looked kind of young, likely a few years fresh out of college. But that wasn’t exactly what caught my eye. I believe she had something called… vitiligo? I thought it was pretty. I don’t think my species is capable of having that. I wasn’t too well off in human information, and this was proof of that.
I quickly look away once I process the fact that I was just staring at a total stranger who could have some decieving looks, and actually turn out to be violent or something.
I waited a few minutes, sitting there on the mattress, picking at the flakes of skin on my hands. A bad habit, sure. Call it what you want, but I couldn’t just grab a pop-it out of thin air. Then, there was a tap on the glass.
I glanced back up to the two, almost instantly becoming entranced with the stranger all over again. The one thing I seemed to pick up on, though, was that they were staring right back at me.
We stayed like that for a moment, until Amelia had to snap the stranger out of it. I kind of felt bad, because as much as I really didn’t want to be here, I didn’t want to see someone get fired because of me. Especially that of which can only be interpreted as their first day.
I took a few more moments of silence, resuming how I previously stared down at my hands, keeping even more of a focus on them, forcing myself to not look up again.
A while passed after that. I looked up, and they were finally gone again. I shifted a bit, taking a quick glance at the surroundings I could see before slipping out the recorder from under my pillow again.
[Log # 24.]
[Someone new has entered the playing field. I think she’s nice. Then again, I’m sort of a gullible person anyway.
Though, as strange as it may sound, something about her… was comforting to me. It’s almost as if we emotionally connected during the short period of time our gazes met.
I don’t know what to really think yet, I don’t even know basic things about her. Like her name.
Future Wynter, please send me a sign of if she’s friendly or not. It would be greatly appreciated, wherever in the time stream you are.
Also, here’s your reminder to obliterate Amelia when you get the chance.]
I turn off the recorder once more, putting it away. I yawn and stretch a bit, adjusting myself to be more comfortable, and then pulling the small quilt over me. Another uneventful day, and only adding one more day to my now uneventful life.
I curl up in the fetal position, my back facing towards the glass door.
Peace and quiet.
I quickly jolt awake, robbed of any more sleep I could’ve added to the presumable hour or two I just got. My heart is racing, my hands shaking. I was never too fond of situations like this, especially those of which that involved loud, blaring noises. I covered my hands with my ears.
Though, it didn’t take me long to take notice of how the glass of my cell room was open. I made sure to take no hesitation when darting out of there. I didn’t care if this would have me end up in even worse of a situation than I already was in, because this was likely the only chance that I’d have. Ever.
After running blindly through a few hallways—mind you, ones that I’d never seen or remembered to have set foot in before—I tried paying closer attention. The alarm didn’t help with letting me focus, but I tried my best.
I continued running, only this time paying closer attention to my surroundings. Upon every glance, it seemed that every cell had been opened. I’d mindlessly been running past a few other subjects without even realizing. We didn’t seem to do much more than acknowledge each other as we passed, seeming to have the same common goal in mind.
It did hurt my ears though, every time I ran under a ceiling speaker, that blaringly annoying alarm would become so much worse. I needed to get away from it.
I did my best at navigating, paying attention to the room names and numbers, hoping to recognize a pattern. But I didn’t seem to pay attention well enough.
Before I knew it, either end off the hall I was running in was blocked by staff.
I didn’t give up so easily. Taking a chance, I slipped though one of the room doors along the side of the hall, locking it, and rolling a chair under the handle for extra security.
Sighing, I turned, only to be met with the face of another member of the staff. Though, it was then that I recognized the somehow familiar persona of the new stranger I’d seen earlier.
“You…” I muttered under my breath, my hands tensing slightly.
But they weren’t alone. Someone else, not dressed in the facility’s usual attire, was standing perpendicular to the stranger. She covered a lot of skin with dark grey clothing, her features not easily distinguishable. The only thing of any significance that would make her stand out was her rose pink hair that was pulled into high ponytail.
Despite her alluring appearance, I was incredibly weary of her, due to the fact that she was likely the thing that triggered the alarm. I had to be cautious. I was practically stuck here with strangers, my fate to be determined by whichever one of them decided to act first.
I just want to make it out of here alive.

(1717 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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