1. What happened, Branch?

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Branch yawned, as he walked out of his bunker.

It has been a few months since him and his brothers reunited and saved Floyd, and they all have seemed to move into the Trolls Villiage, they mostly argued rather than get along.

Although, Branch loves his brothers, and now that he was finally reunited with them, it just reminded him too much of. . . his Grandma.

After his brothers left, he was with her for a few years, until that Bergin took her, but his brothers have no idea of the truth behind it.

He was walking through the woods, until he stopped on a small hill, looking down at the ground he saw his brothers singing, while Poppy and Viva sat on a rock, watching.

"Hey! Branch!" Poppy shouted, once her eyes landed on her boyfriend. Branch smiled, before walking down the hill, smiling was kinda rare for Branch, well not until recently when he was dating Poppy, and have his brothers.

But, his brothers yet again, didn't know what Branch was like.

"Bitty B, come sing with us!" John Dory shouted over to his little brother, while Branch shrugged.

"I'm good,t hanks." Branch muttered.

"What's wrong, Branch? You love singing with your brothers!" Poppy said happily, while Branch only tensed when Viva had jumped over too them, hugging him tightly, then hugging Poppy.

"You looke like you need a hug." Viva said once again, before hugging him again.

"Uh, no. I do not." Branch said, pushing Viva away from him a little.

"Sorry Sis, Branch doesn't do. . . hugs." Poppy said, moveing to stand next to her boyfriend.

"What, baby Branch doesn't do hugs?! I could never imagine that." Spruce shouted.

"Yeah." The rest agreed.

"Nah. He used to be a pretty closed of guy." Poppy said, clearly not getting Branch's eyes wideneing and how he oh so despiately wanted to tell her to be quite.

"Pretty closed of guy?" Floyd questioned, "What do you mean. . ?"

"Oh, well he used to, not until about a year ago, he used to just stay in his bunker, only comeing out for wood. He had years supply of food and water in there, the only thing what brought him out was that Bergin attack, and I had to drag him out!" Poppy said.

Branch face palmed.

"How come you never told us, Branch?" Clay asked.

"Because, alot have changed since then. And, you never bothered to ask, but it doesn't matter." Branch muttered the last bit, rubbing the back of his neck.

"But, Branch you can share this stuff with us. We're your brothers!" Floyd exclaimed, grabbing Branch by the shoulders.

"I know." Branch mumbled, shrugging his brothers hands off of him what he never does.

"I-I gotta go. . . you know. . . wood. . . water, whatever." Branch stuttered, before walking off.

"Branch wait!" Poppy shouted, running after him but Branch had only ran of into the woods, "No!"

"Poppy, what's the matter?" Viva asked, running to her sister who only sobbed as she kneeled on the grass.

"He-he's gonna go to his bunker! And never come out again." Poppy sobbed.

"What?!" John Dory exclaimed.

"Yeah. . . he used to do it alot. And, now that-that I just outted him, I shared something private to him! I love Branch, and the Bro Zone but Branch is amazing. . . and you guys should listen to him." Poppy said, now faceing Bro Zone.

"She's right." Floyd sighed.

"But, that's crazy! I mean. . . we listen to him, right?" Spruce said.

"I mean, we all call him baby Branch and he hates it. . . I think he was right. He grew up the day Grandma, ya know." Floyd muttered, "Come on Bros."

Floyd, John Dory, Spruce and Clay all walked into the woods, and wandered around.

"Where is his bunker? I don't remember him showing us." Clay wondered.

"He didn't." Floyd muttered, "Hey, look."

They walked over to a small hatch in the ground, Floyd pressed a button on the rock infront of him, where the door shot open and they all stepped inside, stumbling slightly when they started moving down.

"Gotta say, this is pretty high tech." Spruce grinned, "Branch sure is smart."

They all agreed, before they landed at the bottom.

Stepping off of the small platform, they started looking around.

"Wow. Poppy was right about his food and water supply." Floyd said, as they all saw the wale full of shelves with jars, full of water and food.

"What are you guys doing down here?" They saw Branch stood in a door frame, before he walked over.

"We. . . you were right Branch. We never listen to you, and we weren't there for you when you most needed us." John Dory started.

"But, we're here now!" Floyd said, with a weak smile, "So, Branch. . . what happened?"

Branch tilted his head slightly.

"With what?" Branch mumbled, walking over to his brothers.

"Everything. Like, Grandma!" Clary said this time.

"Grandma, right. . . well, one day, I was so lost in song." Branch took a deep breath and sat down, pulling his knees upto his chest, causing all of his brothers to kneel around him.

"I-I didn't hear her trying to warn me." Branch started, "She. . ."

(I'm to lazy to explain it all.)

"Oh, Branch." Floyd said softly, already pulling his brother into his chest, "I'm so sorry that we weren't here."

"No, I get it. Family. . . Drama." Branch muttered.

"Wait. . . You-You lost you're colour?" Spruce added quitely, but they all heard it.


"How long?" Clay asked.

"About 10-15 years. . ." Branch muttered, getting gasps from his brothers, "I lost my colour when I was 5. . . I got it back when me and the rest of the trolls were trapped by the Bergins. So, about early twenties."

"So, let me get this straight. You lost you're true colour, but got it back while you were trapped with other trolls by Bergins, wanting to eat you?" John Dory said, earning glares from them all except Branch.

"That about sums it up, yeah." Branch shrugged, "But, it wasn't that what brought my colour back. . . being trapped made Poppy and the other trolls to loose their true colour. But, she got it back, and I guess seeing Poppy to bright. . . so beatuiful it just made something click."

"You really love her, don't you?" Floyd said softly, his arm still being around his brothers shoulders.

"Yeah. . . she has always been so happy. So, bright!" Branch said, grinning.

"So. Grandma died, you built this bunker, and stayed in it until you were in your twenties?" John Dory questioned.

"I guess. Poppy always did try to get me out, try to get me to parties. But, I couldn't stand them, I couldn't stand being around other trolls, I guess I was jut to afraid to. . ."

"Let anybody in?" Floyd guessed, and Branch looked at him with a little smile.

"Yeah." Branch said softly.

"Well, Branch. We love you no matter what, colour or no colour. We're brothers, bro zone! We will always have your back and each others."

Branch smiled, as they all stood up, them all doing a group hug.

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