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Harry was panicked and worried and he wouldn't calm down. "Harry, darling. Calm down there fine."

"Fine?! There in 1996 and what if you can't fix it?!" Harry panicked. "Hey! Hey, calm down. We'll figure it out." Draco kissed Harry's cheek and rubbed his thigh. Harry looked up at him "Seriously." He said sarcastically. "What?" Draco said smiling. "I know what your doing."

Draco huffed. "Fine!" Harry only smiled kissing Draco's cheek. "You were so adorable when you were little"

"But I was so devastated and angry all the time." Draco rolled his eyes. "But still very adorable."

"Nuh uh"

"Yuh huh"

"So were you, I feel bad. You were such a softy and nice." Draco said feeling guilty. "Kinda but your so wrong about nice! Do you remember what I did to you in the bathroom?!" Draco nodded. "But I forgive you plus I was also trying to hurt you."

"Doesn't matter!"

"Yes it does, Harry."

"It was funny how it started."

"What? Our love?" Draco asked. "Yes!"

"Yeah. It was kinda stupid." Draco laughed. "No!" Harry responded.


The golden trio and silver trio became civil with each other and chose to hangout. They played Truth Or Dare. Pansy dared them to go into the enchanted forest it was midnight, by the way. Harry had only a shirt on while Draco had a sweater. It was also Christmas.

Draco a couple days before hot gotten an expensive gift from a secret admirer. Harry noticed him wearing it when they were outside they got locked out couldn't come back inside Hogwarts. Harry admitted that it was him who gifted Draco the watch. Also Draco and Harry were civil but Draco was still rude but not as rude before.

Harry then admitted his feelings and Draco also had feelings for Harry. They later got together.

(I read a book like this so this is just an Idea. 😭)


"As I think of it, it was pretty stupid." Harry admitted. "Yeah" Draco laughed.

"Guys were here!!" Hermione said to the two and walked away with Ron. The couple finally exited the jet.

"So where are we exactly going?" Ron asked. "To Luna's" Draco said as his Limo came. "Seriously how rich are you?!" Ron said surprised. "To rich to count." He said letting Harry hop inside and he followed after. They all got inside the vehicle.

"Where to?" The driver said.

"To _____" The driver nodded at Draco and begin to drive.

"How long do you think this will take of the three of us work on it?" Hermione asked Draco. "I'm not positive but could take at least like two days." Draco responded.

"Okay.." Hermione took a deep breathe in.

"We arrived at your destination, Mr Malfoy."

"Thank you." Draco said as they exited the vehicle. They walked to the front of the house ringing the doorbell. Guess who opened the door. A younger Luna. "Hi!!" The little girl said. "Hi Julie!" Draco said. And they walked in. "Where's Luna?"

"She's in the kitchen with dad." She said smiling and then walked away. The four rushed to the kitchen especially Ron..

"Hi guys! Draco! Why didn't you text me you were here?" She said softly smiling. "Hey, mates." Neville greeted.

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