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Gorou was eagerly waiting to leave the dorm, it felt he hadn't been out to do something in days. "Can we leave now?" He questioned, tilting his head to look behind himself as he tugged on the door handle. Itto finished sliding on his hoodie, staring over at Gorou. "I don't know- are you ready?" The male asked, trying to stall Gorou while he grabbed his wallet. "Whats that supposed to mean?" Gorou scoffed, looking down at his outfit. "I mean, wheres the rest of it?" He teased, resisting the urge to admit it was stunning on the boy. Gorou crossed his arms, turning to face the door again with his tail flicking behind him. "Its supposed to look like that." He muttered, disengaging from the conversation. Itto raised an eyebrow, looking Gorou up and down again. "So untied shoelaces are in? Sorry, missed the memo." Itto shrugged as he finally came to the door. Itto wasn't surprised, the boy had been in such a rush to get out so it was a miracle he even had shoes on to begin with. "Oh- what" Gorou took a glance for himself, lifting his foot up as the shoelace dangled. Gorou pulled his foot up, resting it on ittos upper thigh to balance. "A please would be better next time." Itto told the boy, taking the time to fix it instead of arguing. "Please. Stop wasting my time." Gorou responded, putting his foot back down when his shoe was fixed. Itto grabbed the boys hand off the door, turning Gorou to face him. "Excuse me?" Itto asked, giving the boy a firm gaze. Gorou felt his tail brush in-between his legs, ears turning back in a flicker. "I mean.. thank you.." Gorou answered hesitantly, eyes stuck staring at ittos hand that had grabbed his. Itto took a deep breath, letting go of his hand finally. "Alright.. I know you're excited but being a brat isn't going to make me bend over for you." Itto explained, keeping himself level headed. Itto knew this was why they needed to get out, every little emotion seemed to be compacted into the space of the dorm which wasn't much. Gorou bit his tongue and nodded, taking a step back from the door to let itto lead. Gorou didn't like when itto would snap, especially when he was just playing around. Itto opened the door, gesturing for Gorou to wait just outside. Gorou didn't miss a beat, swiftly stepping out and standing to the side. Itto looked back in the dorm, he wasn't going to let his temper ruin their nice day out. He closed the door and turned to Gorou, noticing his nervous stance. "Can I have a kiss before we leave please?" Itto asked, his way of showing Gorou he wasn't mad at him. Gorou nodded weakly, his hands behind his back as he leaned up and kissed ittos cheek. Itto leaned down some, not making Gorou work for it too much. "Thank you." Itto responded, placing his hand on the boys head and ruffling his hair. Gorou found a smile appear back on his face, his nerves getting shaken away by the ruffling. "We can go now.. right?" Gorou asked sweetly, hands fidgeting behind his back as he worried about losing things he looked forward to even when it was clear there was no hard feelings. Itto nodded and held his hand out for the boy, ready to go and have a bit of fun. Itto knew just how important it was to let Gorou play and be a little cheeky, the boy was never himself when in fear of messing up or receiving punishment for silly little things. Gorou ears perked forward, hand slipping down to rest in ittos hand as they walked to leave the dorm and college. "Now, you hungry or want anything? I know how you get when you haven't eaten before we go out." Itto told the boy, opening the door to go outside. Gorou shrugged and kept pace with itto, mind distracted by the trees dancing softly with the early morning breeze. "Do you think the birds are up yet?" Gorou questioned, stopping to look deeper into the branches. Itto stopped with the boy, taking a moment to look as well. "If my bed was shaking like that- I think so." Itto responded, pulling the boy along. Gorou dragged his feet, shoes scuffing on the ground as he took a little longer to part with his thoughts than itto would. "Oh yeah, I want something." Gorou finally responded to ittos question about eating. Itto came to a complete stop, glancing back to see how far they were from the cafeteria. Gorou sunk his shoulders low, he knew he should of just spoken up instead of letting his mind wander off about other things that weren't as important. "I want just a drink.." he muttered, lifting his hand up enough to point to a vending machine close by. Gorou felt a drink would hold him off long enough until they came across actual food. Itto looked forward at the vending machine, it was better than tracing back their steps. "Okay, go and you pick something before I get there." Itto told the boy, letting go of his hand and tapping him on the ass to hurry him along. Gorou stood up straight and nodded, hurrying along to get to the vending machine before itto would come pick for him. Gorou slowed as he got to the machine, taking a step back to look at all his options. His eyes flickered as different drinks caught his attention, all looking good to him. Gorou pointed at the drink and waited for itto to come get it out the machine for him. Itto slowly approached, titling his head to look at the drink behind gorous hand. "Strawberry lemonade?" Itto double checked, pinning in the numbers and pressing his card against the transaction area. Gorous ears perked forward as he heard the machine tinkering before his drink was grabbed and set at the bottom for him to collect. Itto stood back, letting the boy grab it on his own. Gorou croched down and opened the flap, smiling as his drink was sitting waiting for him. Gorou held it up to show itto, pleased with his selection. Itto looked down and nodded in approval, taking the can so the boy could stand back up. Gorou dusted his knees off as he stood, patiently waiting for itto to open it for him. Itto did just that, opening it and taking a small sip. "Too sweet- drink it slow." Itto told the boy, checking the back for the nutritional information. Gorou nodded eagerly, taking the drink and taking a sip to try. Gorous tail flickered happily, it was just what he had hoped for when it came to taste. "What would you pick?" Gorou asked with a hum, taking small sips like itto had told him to. Itto raised an eyebrow and stood in front of the machine, pointing off to the side. "I'd want that." Itto answered, walking off straight after. Gorou tilted his head, following quickly after. "The banana milk?" Gorou tried to confirm. Itto shrugged, holding his hand out. "Something like that." He spoke calmly, the image of Gorous reflection on the vending machines glass imprinted on his mind. Gorou took ittos hand and scrunched his nose up at the thought of the banana milk. "Okay monkey man.." Gorou whispered, a smirk tugging at the corner of his smile. Itto playfully rolled his eyes back, letting Gorou think whatever he thought. Gorous tail swayed in time with their hands, keeping his eyes on his drink as he continued to take small sips. "Is it just painting or making?" Gorou asked, wanting to know the smaller details now. Itto tilted his head to look at the Boy, the questions never seeming to end. "Both, we make them today and then we can come back to paint them another day." Itto explained, hoping that answered the question for Gorou. Gorou lowered his ears and dragged his feet again, it was hard not to show disappointment. "I thought I could bring it back today.." he mumbled, not thinking about drying time for the clay or the paint. "Not today, but it'll still be fun." Itto insisted, finally making it outside the store. Itto glanced in, sighing as it wasn't open yet. "We have 30 minutes until it's open." Itto broke the news to Gorou, taking his hand to pull him along and find somewhere to sit and wait. Gorou hopelessly looked at the closed sign as he was pulled away, stopping himself from reaching out to tug the door handle and check. "Its good, we can wait and you can finish your drink. I don't think they'd let you bring it into a pottery store." Itto explained, finding a picnic table outside of a takeout shop that was also still closed. Gorou lowered himself to sit across from itto, unable to break the disappointment gaze he had towards the pottery store. Itto glanced back to see what Gorou was staring at with such disappointment, knowing he should of guessed the place they couldn't go to right now. "Finish your drink please." Itto told him, gesturing to the can. Gorou glanced down and cupped the can with both hands, gently shaking his head no. Gorou was too focused on what he couldn't have that the thought of anything else was miserable, slowly tipping the can to pour it out. "Gorou." Itto spoke firmly, having to glare him again. Gorou sat low, nodding his head and taking a sip finally. Gorou knew better, itto didn't like wasting money. Gorou tried to keep his attention on the drink now, not wanting to admit that maybe it was a little too sweet for this early in the morning. Gorou swallowed his pride back with the drink, putting the can down when it was empty. Itto picked up the empty can, shaking it to check. "There's my good boy." Itto whispered, tossing the can in the trash close by. Gorou couldn't help but perk up at those words, nodding his head with his cheeky smile. Gorous feet started to swing together, tapping the table as he waited for his reward of the pottery place. Itto chuckled, shaking his head back at the boy. "And I get called bipolar?" Itto teased, seeing how the boys mood had switched up so much this morning. Gorou shyly tilted his head to his shoulder, shrugging at ittos words. "I'm just excited and I don't like good things being taken." Gorou admitted, looking behind himself before picking up his tail so it wasn't touching the ground. "I wasn't taking anything, you just need patients." Itto reminded Gorou, looking behind himself to check if the store was open yet. Itto sighed when it wasn't, going on his phone instead to pass the time. Gorou kept himself distracted by what was around, eyes staring up at the clouds and the birds that flew by. "They're awake now.." he whispered to himself, breathing in a deep breath. Itto just nodded in agreement, keeping his attention on his phone. Gorou continued to sit quietly, petting his tail to comfort himself. Gorou sunk a little lower again, gently putting a hand on his stomach. Gorou brushed it off, he wasn't going to let that get in the way now when they were so close to getting into the pottery store. Gorou didn't like mentioning anyway, he found itto would always act strangely whenever there was a mention of him wanting to go to the bathroom. Gorous ears perked up as he heard a bell, watching the pottery stores door swing shut as the sign was switched around. "Oh- oh- look!" Gorou told itto, slipping off the seat to head over to the door. Itto lifted his head and quickly got up, putting his phone away as he followed the boy to the front of the store.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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