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I couldn't believe my eyes. Was it the medicine that had me out of it and starting to see things that aren't there? I closed my eyes tightly, hoping that when I opened them that it would have just been my imagination. I opened my eyes and there he was, in the flesh, Curtis King. How did he know I was here? How did he find me? Why was he even here? Why does he have a cane? My mind started to race. I was at a lost for words. I opened my mouth but no words came out, only a single tear fell from my eyes. Why did he come here? After life returned to my body, I finally spoke.
"Why are you here ! And how did you know I would be here?!"
"None of that matters baby girl," he said coughing he sounded weak.
"The hell you say! How did you even get in!"
"What do you mean? We're family, I'll always be your family. I raised you remember?"
"You molested me too!"
"I know what I've done Gina, I'm not here so you could point the finger at me."
"Then why the fuck are you here?! And what's up with the fake ass cane." I said sternly.
"We'll Gina, I am a very sick man"
"Tell me something I don't know," rolling my eyes.
"Just let me explain. I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a couple months ago and most recently the doctors have found air pockets in my lungs. My days left here are now numbered. I've been to your mama's grave and said my goodbyes now I'm coming to you. Gina I know that I hurt you and misused you, I know that not even in a million years you would forgive me but I was really fucked up then. I can't tell you why I did those things to you, maybe I just wasn't happy with myself. You were only a child. No child deserved the things I put you through. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know how to trust another man once you've been through the shit I did to you. You probably don't know what love is or how to love a man. It's not you Gina, I took that away from you and I'm sorry. Lord knows, I am sorry!"
By now the tears were flying down my face.
"Your mama loved you Gina. I know you think it's bullshit because she kept you there with me. But she really loved you Gina. The real truth about yo mama is, that I'm the reason she's gone. You remember when I got you that in-ground pool and bought you that green and pink swimming suit," he said trying to catch his breath.
"That day when I came into your room, yo mama came home from work early. She saw me, she saw what I was doing to you. That was the same night I let you stay with Tracey. That night we fought. Drag in - drag out. We argued that whole night. When she calmed down, I drifted off to sleep, that's when I heard it." He said sobbing.
"It was a single gun shot. I searched the bed for yo mama, she wasn't there. I grabbed my .45 from the bedside dresser and to my surprise it was gone. I reached for the shot gun under the bed thinking someone had broken into to the house. When I reached the kitchen, there she was laid in a pool of blood with the gun still in her hand. I knew it was because of me! All these years I've lived this guilt, and I didn't want to take it to my grave. Regardless of what I did to you Gina, I really love you. I know it doesn't mean shit now but I honestly do! As much as I try to blame my sickness on the heaving smoking and drinking I know that I'm reaping what I sow. Lord knows I am!"
My sadness turned into anger!
"You think just because your one foot out the ground you could come in here tell me that bullshit and everything would be cool! And your conscious would be clear!! You don't know half of the shit you put me through! After you got me kicked out of my apartment I was sleeping house to house, leaving me to live on the streets! I've been selling my body since then, selling my soul just so I could have a place to stay and food to eat! I did all I could to keep some nigga named Ced, who made us call him Daddy happy while this nigga was beating my ass when money was short! Now I'm laying in a hospital bed in excruciating pain and don't know how the fuck I got here, nor have I heard from that nigga and you want me to show you sympathy? FUCK YOU! You fucked up my life. Me and my mama was good until you showed up! We didn't have shit but we would have made it ! I hate you, I fucking hate you." I screamed while crying my eyes out.
"Cassie are you serious?" He managed to say through the sobbing and coughing.
"Who is Ced, does he have a birthmark on his neck?"
"Yes. Why?"
His mouth dropped as he held his hand over his heart. He tried to speak but no words came out just mumbles. He kept reaching for his heart and eventually got out, "That's my nephew." He took his last breath.

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