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You stood by Shizhang. Knife ready in hand, with an aloof expression plastered on your face. Shizhang smiled with glee, his blue eyes eyeing the resurrection circle with such expectation.

"I hope you can feel my excitement, darling." Shizhang said and you never bothered talking to him, only letting out a hum. Silence befalls between you two, but it broke when the circle began to release a pulse that fiercely pulsated throughout the area, the leaves and the grass of the area rustled harshly due to harsh surge.

Your hair waved through the wind the pulse created but you never faltered from your poised position despite the fierce surge, neither of you two staggered. You felt a hand weigh your shoulder, "Begin the ritual, dear." Shizhang spoke. You did not waste time as your body moved, feeling the weight of Shizhang's hand completely let go of your shoulder.

Did you notice that the moon is shining so brightly tonight? Accompanied with the purple pulses of the resurrection circle, the scenery is breath-taking.

You are always on your mind that you didn't notice how everything became more fluid the shorter the distance between you and the resurrection circle. Your hair and your dark cloak didn't sway so violently anymore, and you only noticed it when the temperature slowly dropped, to the abnormal point you see ice forming around your wrist.

"..." You paid it no mind as you stopped on your tracks after taking one step forward. You hung your hand high and immediately sliced your wrist with your knife, breaking the ice that formed, but what matters most is your blood successfully getting devoured by the resurrection circle.

You pull your hand back and massage your wrist around the wound you created, you watch as the resurrection circle solidifies your blood, and unexpectedly, your expression falters, as your solidified blood suddenly latches onto your ankle, you winched at the pain.

You were about to take a step foot backward but the red string let you fall on the ground instead, the red string is rigid tight latched to her ankle. You let out a groan when you hit your head on the ground, you abandoned your knife as you motioned your hands to the back of your head.

You whimpered at the aching pain of your head, you stayed on the ground for a moment until the string began to budge on your ankle, "... So annoying..." You uttered as you sat up, ignoring the ache. You were about to untie the red string from your ankle but you were caught off guard when you suddenly got dragged by the string to the resurrection circle, like a vacuum.

"Gah!" You screamed as you were dragged, you turned to your stomach and began to dig your nails to the ground, upon multiple struggles and failing to stop yourself from getting closer to your doom. You gave up and turned to your back and decided to pull on the string.

You were chanting in your head, 'Come on, come one, come on- Come on!' like a damn mantra. The red string is soft to your surprise, but it makes it hard to pull back the string. You grunted as you struggled, fumbling the string many times and trying to get a better grip of it.

But your struggling fret is over when the red string suddenly loosened and a shadowy hand softly grasps your wrist, it catched you off guard and your eyes follow its hand to its arm and you see the rest of its form soon takes shape in a cloud-like form, only its glowing purple eyes gaze on you, only you.

You stared at the creature with wide eyes. The creature lightly pry your hand off the red string and your breath hitches when its other hand snakes to your waist and places it to your back, fearing that it would hurt you but to your surprise, he settles you gently to the ground.

The creature caresses your cheek, feeling your skin and its somewhat desperate gaze bore into you. You feel... unusually at ease?... but you didn't keep eye contact for long, you turned your eyes to another direction, prolonged eye contact was something you hate, as it made you uncomfortable.

The winds slowly ceased, and the glow of the resurrection circle diminished. You thought, 'Is this the creature Shizang wanted to resurrect?' Despite the stupid question, and your distaste of eye contact, you feel at home with this creature, so much so that you unexpectedly played with his fur that now has materialized.

One thing to note is that it did not smell like a dead corpse, it smelled like fresh fruits, especially (favorite fruit), a fruit you incomparably liked. However, all nice moments all have to come to an end when you suddenly get dragged again, instead of your ankle, it was your wrist that went to your head and touched each other.

You yelped as you were dragged, and the speed was so quick that you were confused about what happened. One moment you were lying on the grass with a creature looming over you, and then one minute your back touched Shizhang's legs with your arms hung from above your head.


You forgot how much control Shizhang has over you.

Despite his fatherly and comedic presence, you were only just a tool for him. 

You bit your lip as you turn your head to the side, avoiding seeing his face. Anger writtin on your face but your body went limp under his presence. Shizhang smiled, glab by your obedience, "You have managed to bound the beast to you." he said, eying that said 'beast' who growled at him, menacingly.

Shizhang chuckled at the interesting reaction, "God job, my girl." He complimented but it had no effect on you, already used to the same compliment for the past four years. You felt Shizhang crouch down and let your arms rest, you let out a sigh as you massaged your shoulder.

Out of nowhere, Shizhang rudely jerks your chin and turns to face him. You grumbled as your brows frowned, feeling uncomfortable. "What is your intention, Shizhang?" You asked, "We have resurrected the creature, what more do you want from me?". You tried to get your chin out of his hand, but then Shizhang turned your face to meet eyes with the resurrected creature.

Shizhang never responded back, you scowled at his silence, looking back at the red string strapped to your ankle and directing to the ankle of the ressurected monster, you thought, clutching your hand tightly as Shizhang whispers "...It seems... The creature has taken a big liking to you, my girl." His words surprise you but never speak as your eyes falter, looking around for solutions or maybe calculating your moves.


"I'll pay you 2k a week. Just for you to tame and take care of the beast." Shizhang contiued, "Will you do that for me?... or for the money, my girl?" You grit your teeth, as you tilt your head to the side, feeling defeated. "..." Shizhang smiled, as he jerked his hand away from your chin as he stood up whilst patting your head, saying: "Good girl, darlin'"

You clicked your tongue. You hated how Shizhang took advantage of your poor life, despite him knowing, he pays you little wage, but his deal today is thrice the average pay, you couldn't take the opportunity away so easily.

You let out a sigh, tired eyes stared down to the ground as you stood soon after Shizhang, and he started to talk to the beast, "Macaque." Your risk taker of a boss called out his name, and the beast showed some sign of reaction when his ears perked.

"See this?" Shizhang showed the glowing blue chains that are connected to your wrist, shackles, "The girl is mine, demon." He declared, and the beast growled at his sentence, but it never dared move. Shizhang grinned more widely than ever.

Shizhang dropped the chains and it disappeared when it hit the floor, and he summoned a cane where he quickly used the tip of the cane to lift the red string on the floor, and he presented it to the beast, "However, you are also connected to my dear girl."

The beast was way too proud of that fact than you liked.

"Getting arrogant I see? Well, sorry for you." Shizhang dropped the string and discarded the cane, "The girl is loyal to me."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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𝗖𝗥𝗬 𝗕𝗔𝗕𝗬, six eared macaqueWhere stories live. Discover now