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JJ/N : Hellow everyone...so i have a news for you guys...🤭, Sooo MY EMOTIONLESS BOYFRIEND is finally completed (ekhm...FOR INDONESIAN VER), but don't be sad... for Eng Ver, i will try to finish this soon ☺️, and oohh be more patient naa jaa 🤭




I woke up in an all-white room

My whole body ached



The gentle figure looked at me worriedly, his eyes glazed over he frantically seemed to want to run out to find a doctor but I held his hand.

"W-what happened?", I asked nervously.

"You've had an accident," Gemini told me.

"Then the culprit...."

"It has been caught, it turns out that the mastermind behind all this is Deli and her husband, I guess she has been holding a grudge since we were in high school, she used to do this to you and you even lost your memory"

H... Highschool???



"H-how long since we've been dating?"



"If you count since high school.....ermm...... it's already...."



"High school?", I asked.

"Yes....we've been together since high school, why do you look confused?"



"What year is it now?", I asked.



"Isn't it now? ........."

I looked at the calendar



"Did we ...... finally ..... return to the future?", I asked.




Gemini hugged me

"Are you okay?"

Gemini asked worriedly


"Wait here, I'll call the doctor."

he didn't let me say anything else, he ran out to call the doctor.

A moment later the doctor came and did an examination on me

After that......I don't know what happened....it seems like I fell asleep while the doctor was examining me.


And once I woke up......


I held my head in pain


"Gemini....", The long sentence I was about to say was cut short when I saw the figure standing beside my bed.

"Mom? .... Dad?"

"Fourth, are you alright son?", my mom asked worriedly.

"Just feeling a little dizzy, maybe because I slept too long", I replied.

I looked around me

"Gemini....where is he?", I asked.

"Over there", my mom pointed to the sofa where Gemini was fast asleep.

"Mom told him to rest, he hasn't slept for a few days because he's been taking care of you," my mom explained.

For a moment I realized something


My father's cold gaze

"oh...brat you just realized your father's presence here after asking about your precious boyfriend?"

"Fourth, don't mind your father he's just jealous"

"Well....look at this mother and son, I don't know how great that kid really is that he made mother and son fall in love with him, even when he was in high school he kept making you two crazy about him."

"Mom....did Gemini and I have been together since high school?", I asked.

"kha, why do you ask?"

"N-no...it's okay"


The voice of the person who had been asleep was heard


for a moment I felt like I was going to cry

"Are you alright? Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? Oh....you want a salad, right?"

The questions lead together with that waking face....

"You're not taking care of yourself," I said to Gemini.

Though I remember I always asked him to take care of himself before me.

he stood up and came to me


He held my hand

I repeat HE HELD MY HAND...

ignoring the fact that my parents are still here


"Hufftt..looks like you two have forgotten about us, well you sit down and accompany Fourth, your father-in-law and mother-in-law will go buy breakfast for you", my father said.

Gemini's eyes lit up for a moment

"Father-in-law?", Gemini asked.

"Why, aren't you the one who's always complaining about wanting to call me dad?"


Looks like

Many things have changed

Am I dreaming about the present?

Or am I dreaming about the past?

To Be Continued

MY EMOTIONLESS BOYFRIEND [ENG VER]Where stories live. Discover now