✎𝄞losing feelings❦✰

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.. Things about breakups.. Don't you remember those memories you wanted to hold onto and make last forever replaying know we both will never get bored of those days, hours minutes.. Seconds .. You never would have thought of that one moment would come. Crashing in on you almost like being hit with a train over and over not able to move you try your best to rewind but you just can't.. He/she/them saying it was okay it would last forever the promises you trusted.. Them having you wrapped around their finger and knotting it tight unable to realize their tie was slipping off slowly.. Carefully.. You couldn't tell from how in love you were than it just happened.. You wish you could just go back one millisecond before it and reply it.. You can't move. Your body becomes numb as your heart sinks down into your stomach seconds felt like hours and everything starts spinning the thoughts of getting married having kids or not having memories even dieing together drop and break but it's like glass it can never be put back together when they come back you look back and back looking at how happy you were you were numb to the feeling of not being able to see them again not getting the same feeling you had with them with anyone else you were rushed with excitement so you go back.. But you realize.. You aren't dating the person anymore you are eating the memories they didn't love the idea of you either they didn't love you anymore almost like they never did the way it dropped.. So quick.. They liked the idea of having a girlfriend. Someone you can take frustration out on. They loved the fact you were theirs and under their control then once fed up they moved on. So now you are moving on the idea of them was irrelevant the peace you felt with them was what you loved which changed the day they left they ruined you.. Who knew just 4 words.. "I wanna break up" could kill someone on the inside.. Forever not being able to go back un able to fix it they had ruined you.. Why.. Why did you make me think I could trust you. I needed you and I should've realised it's the people you are unexpected to leave who leave mostly. I have forgotten what it feels like to feel anything you took my soul with you the day we met and I wish we could go back to it.. Just for a minute.. It's all I would need at least.. But now it's broken and you are gone. Maybe it will all work out in another universe or maybe I will finally wake up.. Please.

Remember the first day we met it was you talking to miss and I came and saved you then our friendship just suddenly grew started talking then it all blew
The we... Went on our separate ways... Felt really empty and everything changed we reunited and it felt nose the same now we love in a different way.. Hatred

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