"Don't look, It might scare you."

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                                        chapter 1.
i was walking down the forest...it was raining. It felt like the farther i went in the forest it got colder and colder...i couldn't bare it any longer i could feel myself catching a cold i couldn't walk any longer. All of a sudden i heard a low growl. A wolf growl? i thought...i was right. I didn't know what to do. I froze just accepting the fact that i would die. That wolf would tear me apart...and eat me. "Woah-!" I gasped. Something had grabbed me. "L-Let go of m-" I whimpered. But a hand had covered my mouth. "Are you crazy? Do you want to die?!" Someone whispered. I looked behind me...it was a guy. He waited for the wolf to run by. "Fuck...you look like you're about to die. Come on, follow me" He said standing up and holding out his hand to me. "I-I don't need your help!" I said smacking his hand away. He looked at me shocked...but he didn't want to disturb me so he walked away. I kept walking and it was still raining. so cold... i thought. Then i blacked out. It seemed like hours or weeks had passed when i woke up. That face seems familiar...i thought..someone had found me and took me back to their house. "Oh? You're awake." He said. He was cooking something.. "How are you feeling? Want some soup?" He asked me looking over his shoulder. "I told you i didn't need help." I said sitting up. Suddenly a sharp pain hit my stomach enough to make me tear up. "Careful. Something stepped on you before i found you. And you were bleeding." He said as he brung the soup over to me. That's when i finally noticed my clothes were different. "W-Wait. Who changed my clothes..?" I asked looking up at the guy. "Oh- I did." He said as he blowed the  smoke away from the soup to cool it down. "What the hell?!?" I gasped as i tried to sit up again and move away but i had no luck. That sharp pain in my stomach was getting worse. "Your clothes were dirty, wet, cold, and had blood all over them. It would've made your cold much worse if i kept them on you." He explained as he sat down next to me on the bed. "You could've waited till i woke up. Instead of changing my clothes yourself, it's weird." I said looking at him. I never heard this guys name before. I think I must've zoned out because he was calling for me "Hey! Are you ok? You're kinda just...like looking at me. It's getting kind of weird." He said waving his hand in front of my face "Oh- S-Sorry..I guess i just spaced out." I said looking down at the floor. "Hey. You never told me your name." I said looking up at him. "Oh-You're right. Where are my manners?" He chuckled. "My names Bryan. What's yours?" He asked as he lifted the soup in the bowl into the spoon and held it up to my mouth. "My names Xavier. And i don't need you to feed me." I answered brushing the spoon he was holding away from my mouth. "Come on. It's not like you can feed yourself. You can barely sit up." Bryan said moving the spoon back to my mouth. It took me a bit to give in but i finally did and put my mouth around the spoon drinking the broth and eating some of the chicken in it.  "Y-Your a really good cook..thanks for the soup." I said blushing a bit. I don't know why i blushed i didn't want to but i guess it was because i thought he was...cute. Was i really falling in love with this guy? "Well do you want me to keep feeding you or can you feed yourself?" Bryan asked leaning back on the bed but not fully laying down since I was laying down behind him. "You. I want you to feed me.." I said as i grabbed onto his hand. "I thought you didn't need me to feed you?" He chuckled as he got up and got more soup onto the spoon. He said and did everything so gently...i just needed him.. "Here you go." He said putting the spoon up to my mouth. Desperate just to have him..i hesitantly pretend to knock the spoon over on accident and let it spill on me and get some on him. "Oh-! I'm so sorry!" I said sarcastically. "No- it's ok..like really it's ok!" He assured me it was ok...but he didn't know what i was actually doing. "It's a shame these clothes are dirty now....aren't you gonna change them for me?" I said as i looked up at him with a smirk. "I-I guess i should.." Bryan said walking over to his closet and opening it. He grabbed a shirt and some shorts. Then he walked back over to me "Lift your arms for me." He said. I complied. After all it was my plan to get him to undress me. "Ok now let me get your pants. Sorry if this is more awkward now that you're awake." He apologized. But i didn't care i just wanted him. I wanted him on me. In me. I didn't care where. I just wanted HIM. "Here, let me put the shirt on you and-..w-what are you doing?" He asked as he watched me crawl on top of him. "Don't you want me?" I asked. I also giggled seeing the shocked look on his face "Xavier? What do you mean." He asked as he looked back at me. "Come on. You know what i mean." I answered as I undid his pants. "Xavier...I.." He said before i interrupted him "Shh.. Just let me do it." I shushed him. It seemed like the smirk on my face wouldn't go away. "Your pants are also dirty Bryan..Don't worry i'll clean it up..." I giggled licking his pants before taking them off. I stayed quiet as i looked into his eyes, the temptation being within me. looking for his approval. He nodded. "You can." He said. Finally I took his pants off and started to suck him off. He was so big...maybe so big it couldn't fit in my mouth.... "X-Xavier wait-!" Bryan moaned gripping onto my hair. He pushed my head deeper down..I couldn't breathe. But it felt SO good.. "Fuck-! Xavier i'm gonna-" He said before he shot a load down my throat. "Come on...fuck me..please..?" I begged crawling back on top of him. "I can't. And you should know why." He said pushing me off of him softly "But please!! Just this once..?" I begged more desperate for him to be inside of me. "Plus what's even stopping you?!" I asked looking up at him. "The fact that if i were to fuck you the injury on your stomach would break open and would kill you. Now get some rest." He explained. It did seem pretty true so i listened...devastatingly. "Goodnight, Xavier." He said. "Goodnight..." I responded back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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