The hospital

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Toshinori had passed out from exhaustion. He had fallen quite hard, especially on his head. The impact of the fall would surely have some after effects, but right now he was unconscious.
The boy was completely out of the world, he appeared to be in some kind of dream. He dreamt about having a happy family in a big warm house. If he could, he would remain in this dream for all eternity. He had always dreamt of a normal life but had never gotten one. He walked around in his dream and curiously inspected everything. He wasn't aware of his unconsciousness in the real world, the boy just wanted to stay here anyway. He looked around in his dreamworld again and this time noticed that one corner of the house was dark. He curiously walked closer to the dark corner and took a closer look. Toshinori saw a weird shadowy figure standing in the corner, what is this? Wait a moment, Toshinori recognised this shadowy figure! It's the man he saw before!
The boy's eyes widened slightly and he softly called out: "Sir? Sir? It's you again, I've seen you before!" The shadowy man turned to the kid but remained completely silent, the figure bent over to be on Toshinori's level. "Sir? Hello? W-We spoke before you know?" the kid said in a hesitant tone. There was an awkward silence between the two, it felt like an eternity. The man then suddenly reached for Toshi's throat, causing the youngster to get scared. His eyes were wide and he tried pushing the hand off of his throat. "Sir? Sir?!" He now yelled loudly while he felt his body tremble. The man suddenly squeezed tightly in his throat, causing the boy to whimper in pain.
His eyes opened themselves slightly in the real world; he had woken up from his rather weird dream. His eyes were just barely open, but he immediately realised that he wasn't outside anymore. He just saw a white ceiling above him and heard a weird beeping sound coming from behind him. He carefully tried sitting up but his body declined. Slowly but surely his eyes opened a tad bit more and he looked around.
"Where the f... huh?" he softly muttered and squeezed his eyes shut for a second. He groaned softly and opened his eyes again, this time they opened completely. His eyes were adjusting themselves to the bright light. He didn't recognise his surroundings as far as he could see. The boy seemed confused, really confused. He tried sitting up again and this time his body listened to what he wanted. He sat there, slowly looking around once again. "I'm... inside?"
He looked down upon his body and noticed that his arms were covered in white bandages. His hands slowly reached to his face since he felt pain there. He was surprised to be feeling a weird cloth texture around his forehead, must've been more bandage he thought. His hand slowly wandered down to his cheeks, he felt a few band-aids on there. "Huh..." he softly exclaimed and let out a sigh. He squeezed his eyes shut for a brief moment again and looked back at his arms. He noticed an IV stuck into his arm now. He reached out to the IV and touched it, inspecting it rather curiously since he hadn't seen one of these things before. It kind of hurt when he touched it and he decided to leave it alone for now, he didn't want to hurt himself after all. Toshinori sighed deeply again and laid back down. "Hospital huh?" He whispered to himself. He felt so tired, he wanted to close his eyes and go back to sleep.
Suddenly he heard the door of his room open, he flinched from the sudden sound. A nurse walked inside, immediately going over to him. The nurse was a female, she had brownish hair and had it tied into a bun. The nurse noticed the boy being awake and seemed surprised. She said: "Oh, you're finally awake? You've been out for a while. You must've hit your head quite hard on that street."
The nurse was now standing right beside his hospital bed and she touched the bandage on his head. "I need to refresh your bandages, it might hurt a bit when I do that. They tend to stick to the wounds."
Without further warning she gently unwrapped the bandage from his head. The first half was painless, but the second half was hurting quite a bit. The bandage was thoroughly stuck to the wounds on his face. Toshinori's eyes squeezed themselves shut and he let out a low groan. He wanted to curse but he held himself in. When the bandages came off the wounds were bleeding a bit again. The nurse put the bandages in the garbage and prepared the stuff she needed to bandage him up again. "Those wounds are so nasty, they keep on bleeding and opening up again. They've healed quite a bit already, but we still need to keep patching them up." the nurse explained. She dabbed a gauze on the wound to clean it and then slowly wrapped the bandage around his head once again. "There we go. It wasn't too bad, was it?" The nurse gently spoke to reassure the boy. Toshinori shook his head, he didn't speak a single word to the woman. Even though Toshinori sometimes acts rough, he's quite the opposite. "The people who found you were originally chasing you down for a stolen apple, isn't that true? They said they chased after you in anger, but when they found you they felt bad." The nurse talked in that same gentle tone. "Can we know your name? It would help us a lot. We could figure out your background with that information."
Toshinori looked at her completely dumbfounded. His eyes went big and he didn't know what to answer her. Should he just say his name out loud or was it a trick? He just stared at her with big eyes like he had just seen a ghost.
The nurse raised her eyebrows slightly and said: "You think I'm just playing tricks with you, don't you? I can assure you that it's not a trick, it's for your own good, believe me." Toshinori gulped. His lips slightly parted and it seemed like he was gonna say something, but it remained silent for a few more seconds. The boy then decided to speak: "Toshinori... Toshinori Yagi."
"So... Toshinori Yagi, huh?" the nurse said while tilting her head and wrote it down into her notebook. "I'll make sure to investigate your name, Toshinori." the nurse assured him and checked the bandages on his arms. She wrote another thing down into her notebook and then nodded. "Alright I'm done here for now, you'll see me soon when I do another checkup round." The boy looked at the nurse in complete silence once again. He didn't dare to say another thing. The youngster got comfortable in the bed and just stared off at the window. The nurse walked back out of the room and closed the door behind her; the kid was all alone again in this room. He took a really deep breath and slowly exhaled. He had a weird feeling in his stomach, it felt like something was off. He didn't really trust the people from the hospital yet, he thought that they were up to something. He just stared out of the window since he had nothing better to do anyway, he was quite literally bed bound right now. It was still snowing outside, the snowflakes slowly danced their way down to the ground. Toshinori felt a shiver going down his spine as he thought about the cold. He noticed a lot of children outside, his attention was immediately locked onto them. They appeared to be playing in the snow. A frown creeped up on his face as he watched them, knowing he never was and never will be apart of such a thing. People had always just agreed that he was different...
He felt tears swelling in his eyes, he didn't know why. "Stop it, tears!" he yelled in annoyance. He wiped his tears away with his fingers and turned his head to the other side; the side of the door and the rest of the room. His left hand was fiddling with his bangs, he almost always fiddled with his hair. "Stupid hospital, stupid children, stupid snow, stupid cold! Stupid me..." the kid mumbled to himself. He rolled his eyes and let out a loud grunt in annoyance, but his ignorance left as quickly as it came. The boy turned onto his side with his back facing the window, he refused to look at those kids playing outside. Toshinori inspected the room further and eventually closed his eyes again since he was just bored. "Why am I even in here? Why do they care? I'm just scum, quirk-less scum."

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