- snowman

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— Happy Christmast Everybody !

° A special ZeeNunew Oneshoot.


Paris, 25 December 20XX
15.32 pm

As the snow began to fall one by one on December 25 in their yard, the city bells rang loudly, signaling that it was Christmas

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As the snow began to fall one by one on December 25 in their yard, the city bells rang loudly, signaling that it was Christmas.

A sweet-faced man smiled as he saw children playing on the side of the road enjoying the first snowfall of the year.

Nunew wanted to enjoy the happy moments and togetherness on Christmas Day this year, but stopped when his memories came back and prevented him from feeling happy.

His hands began to clench tightly, his breath began to catch, the memory spun in her brain

"Nunew, love"

Her tense and fearful face turned to the source of the voice, finding her husband standing with two cups of hot chocolate in both hands.


"What's wrong?"

The sound of silence from their room, waiting for an answer to come from Nunew's lips, accompanied Zee's footsteps as he approached Nunew after placing the cups on the nightstand.


"Remembered it again?"

Nunew nodded his head not daring to lie to his husband, Zee then brought his partner's small body into a warm embrace.

"It's okay, I'm here with you."

"I know you are always here, I love you"

"I love you too, come on now let's watch home alone together"

"Hahahaha, come on!"



It's been 5 years since something bad happened to Nunew. More precisely, the worst memory.

Little Nunew, who had just turned 7 years old, was enrolled in specialized ice skating training by his mother.

Although Nunew undeniably loved ice skating, his mother had a hand in Nunew's ambition to become an ice skating athlete like his dream when in his youth, even though that dream was shattered by the unexpected accident.

With the strict demands of his mother, Nunew practiced continuously at his academy until he reached the age of 20, the peak of his career with a bunch of achievements.

At the academy, Nunew also met the love of his life

ZeePruk Panich

A professional athlete who transferred from a famous academy abroad and who was already famous before him.

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