09 : Fated to meet

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Yang Jungwon's pov

Atlas, the day has arrived, I'm momentary in my office, preparing to depart from here to the venue.

It's been two days, since I have seen Ji & Riki and my parents. I kinda missed seeing their dork faces & loveing gaze making me realise that just how much I was entirely drowned in my work these past few days that , I didn't dnt even try to connect to the outer world.

Regardless, it's rearmost day of this project collaboration and all the work of the company branch in states has been thoroughly completed, now all that is left is to inaugurate it, which will be done next year after this project, in early January.

"Mr. Yang, It's time to get our job done." Mr. Kwon said in a affirmative tone whilst standing at the threshold.

I nodded getting up, picking up my belongings and fixing my suit. Briefly withdrawing from the office complex.


Within a short amount of time, I arrived at the main hall and soon got immersed with various work with Mr. Kwon by my side, assisting me.

When instantaneously, I glanced in front only to see my one and only fiance aka my bestie seemingly coming in my direction or it's seems like it.

She seems so adorable, boy while being lost in paperwork.
Ouch ! She didn't notice me as she walked pass by me. I'm amazed by her concentration level.

But wait a second, what is she doing here right now? This is not even the time for other designers to come. hold up now, don't tell me that now Jia is the Designer who is working with us. How did I not know that she was selected for this project..

So, she is the one who is supplying clothes and all other stuff. It's good tho, now I don't need to worry for this one. ah! I recall in this moment that, I gave away the work of appointing a Fashion designer to Vice president.  

As our company is a clothing brand, we need a generous amount of designers. So that we can proceed with our current and future projects  more smoothly than before. I'm glad that Ji is one of them.  Therefore, it seems like Ji know already that I will be the one who with she is working now.

I don't why, I'm consequently uncomprehending in grasping things. I think it's because of too much stress, am having nowadays.

After brainstorming about this whole designer thingy, just as I was about to go towards her to greet her as she seems vacant for a few minutes, momentary catching her breath (Relaxing herself).

I heard some work less, more back shitting people talking about us. I overheard them sayin' "Tsk.. just because she is now his fiance and childhood friend, does that mean that he will give every fcking opportunity to her  only for her to outshine us !?"

" I bet she bribed him to let her botique to be the one supplying the clothes for JW corporation."

"Such a opportunity stealer and she also gets everything in silver spoon, tch !" And all kinds of bullshit that I don't wanna here anymore.

These dimwits, don't they have work or they are here just to badmouth my bestie... Doesn't matter bitches, My Bae is capable enough to grab every single given opportunity unlike you shitheads, fair & square.

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