5. A Good Boy

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Serena's POV

I awoke with a restless mind, unable to find the solace of a deep sleep throughout the night. Seeking respite, I emerged from my room and descended the stairs, guided by the soft glow of dawn filtering through the windows. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee beckoned, and I succumbed to its allure.

Stepping into the expansive yard, I marvelled at its grandeur in the early morning light. Nature seemed to have cast a spell, enveloping the surroundings in tranquillity. As I poured the steaming elixir into my cup, I settled into a chair, absorbing the stillness that clung to the air.

The lush yard, lit by the soft morning light, stretched out like a peaceful painting. Everything felt calm, giving me a moment to think and recharge. A feeling of comfort surrounded me in the quiet, and briefly, the night's concerns vanished.

"Serena, isn't it?" a deep voice calls from behind me. I pivot to find Kai approaching. How does he manage to exude such charm in the morning? Even with a sheen of sweat, he looks surprisingly attractive.

"Yeah," I respond with a smile. "Early riser today, I guess." Kai inquires, "Not your usual routine?" "No," I confess, "I'm more of a night owl, but sleep evaded me all night." I gaze at the sky, contemplating the restless hours.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Kai," he introduces himself. "Just moved here from Russia, and I'll be joining your university this month." His eyes lock onto mine as he shares this information, adding a layer of connection to the dawn-lit conversation.

"Oh," I murmur, sidestepping any direct eye contact, yet Kai's gaze remains fixated on me. The unfamiliar attention makes me fidget, nervous in the presence of someone I've just met. "You don't like me?" he probes, raising an eyebrow with curiosity. "N-No, it's not that," I stammer, still avoiding direct eye contact by focusing on the sky.

He smirks, "So you do like me then?" Teasingly, I retort, "What? No!" The denial bursts out of me, almost too loudly. Kai chuckles at my reaction, "You're allowed to look, you know. I won't bite." His laughter rings out, adding an unexpected lightness to the morning encounter.

Finally, my gaze shifts toward him. There's an undeniable charm in his eyes, drawing me in. His dark brown hair falls in a messy yet appealing manner, and his long lashes frame captivating grey eyes. A well-built, muscular physique adds to his allure, making him undeniably gorgeous, even with a layer of sweat. I find it hard to look away; there's an almost godlike quality to his appearance. Is he some modern-day Greek god? It's as if I've never encountered someone so strikingly handsome.

"Why all the sweat?" I inquire. "Just got back from the gym," he replies casually.

"What's your field of study?" he inquires. "I'm into software engineering, and you?" I respond. "I'm a law student," he shares.

Oh. A law student? That seems fitting. A remarkably handsome guy delving into the world of law. Mhm, Interesting.


Eva's POV

We head back to our dorm and shortly after, set off for our respective classes.

Aura and I endured three consecutive classes back-to-back, leaving us utterly exhausted. With exams looming on the horizon starting next week and a daunting amount of syllabus to cover, the task ahead seemed insurmountable. Only divine intervention could help me conquer this academic mountain.

Back in the dorm, there's an unusual absence of gossip, drama-watching, or snacking. The atmosphere is one of focused study, with everyone engrossed in their academic pursuits.

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