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As the months rolled on, my baby bump grew more pronounced, and the excitement of welcoming a little Romano into the world filled our days with joy

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As the months rolled on, my baby bump grew more pronounced, and the excitement of welcoming a little Romano into the world filled our days with joy. However, there was an underlying tension that I couldn't quite shake off—Luca's mysterious phone calls and his occasional bouts of distance.

One day, my patience wore thin. I couldn't handle the suspense any longer. Storming into his office with all the fierceness of a hormonal diva, I unleashed my concerns.

"Luca Romano, what is going on with you?" I demanded, hands on my hips.

He looked up from his desk, the air suddenly thick with a mix of confusion and concern. "Adriana, amore, calm down. What's got you so worked up?"

I paced back and forth, my pregnant belly leading the way. "You've been acting strange, answering calls in hushed tones, disappearing into your office for hours. I can't take it anymore. Are you cheating on me?"

Luca's eyes widened, and he quickly stood, moving toward me. "Cheating on you? Adriana, that's the last thing on my mind. Come here."

He cupped my face gently, his lips meeting mine in a reassuring kiss. It was a moment of sweet connection, the worries and insecurities fading away.

"Listen, bella," he began, his Italian accent soothing, "I've been busy with some business matters. I didn't want to stress you out during the pregnancy, so I tried to handle things on my own. But I promise you, it has nothing to do with anyone else. You are the queen of my heart, and our little prince on the way is a testament to that."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief. "You could've just told me, you know? Communication, Luca, it's key."

He grinned, pulling me into a warm embrace. "You're right, tesoro. I should've been more open. From now on, no more secrets. We're in this together, always."

And just like that, the clouds of uncertainty lifted, leaving us to bask in the glow of our shared journey—baby bumps, business calls, and all.

I smirked, feeling the familiar spark of our playful banter return. "Prada, Luca. Our son is going to be the trendiest baby on the block. Prada onesies, Prada booties—the whole package."

Luca chuckled, shaking his head. "Adriana, tesoro, you know I love you, but our little man needs to make a statement. Gucci is the way to go. Imagine him in those tiny Gucci sneakers and a little designer onesie."

I raised an eyebrow, feigning an exaggerated gasp. "Gucci? Luca, come on! Prada is the epitome of sophistication. Our baby deserves the best."

He leaned in, his lips dangerously close to mine. "Gucci is sophistication with an edge. Think about it—our boy making a bold fashion statement right from the beginning."

I playfully pushed him away, trying to maintain my stance. "No, Luca. Prada is timeless elegance. Besides, it's my turn to choose. You got to name him, and now I get to decide on his wardrobe."

He grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Alright, alright. Prada it is. But just for a few outfits. Gucci gets its turn too."

I smirked, satisfied with my victory. "Deal. Our son is going to be a fashion icon in the making. Prada today, Gucci tomorrow. We'll have the most stylish baby in town."

Luca chuckled, placing a hand on my belly. "As long as he takes after his beautiful mother, he's destined for greatness in any brand."

And with that compromise, we continued our journey into parenthood, already envisioning our little one as a future fashionista in the making.

Veronica, with her growing baby bump, and I, with my own, sat on the couch chatting away about our respective cravings and pregnancy struggles. Clara, sipping her non-alcoholic mocktail, joined in the conversation with her usual wit.

Veronica chuckled, rubbing her belly. "I swear, this little one has me craving the weirdest combinations. Pickles and ice cream, anyone?"

I giggled, feeling an instant connection. "Oh, I can relate. My cravings are all over the place. Luca's been running to the store at odd hours for the most random things."

Clara raised an eyebrow, her signature diva smirk in place. "Well, lucky you two. No cravings for me. Just enjoying the show from the sidelines. You know, the 'pregnancy drama' entertainment package."

Veronica nudged her playfully. "You might not have cravings, Clara, but I'm sure you've got some juicy pregnancy advice for us."

Clara rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her mocktail. "Advice? Please. Just stay fabulous, ladies. That's all the advice you need. Pregnancy glow suits you both."

I couldn't help but laugh, feeling grateful for the support of my friends during this exciting yet sometimes overwhelming journey. As we continued our laughter-filled conversation, I couldn't help but marvel at the unique bond that pregnancy was creating among us.

Veronica beamed with excitement, her hands instinctively cradling her baby bump. "Leonardo, it just has that classic Italian charm, don't you think? Mateo and I wanted something timeless, and it feels like the perfect fit."

I nodded in agreement, thinking about the ongoing debate with Luca about our own baby's name. "It does sound beautiful. Luca is pushing for a strong Italian name, but I'm secretly leaning towards something with a Brazilian touch. It's a constant battle."

Veronica laughed, understanding the struggle. "Ah, the eternal name debate. Well, you two will figure it out. Just make sure it's a name that feels right for both of you and your little one."

As we chatted more about baby names, nursery designs, and the upcoming adventures of parenthood, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the support of friends who had embarked on a similar journey. The camaraderie and shared experiences made the whole process feel a bit less overwhelming and a lot more enjoyable.

In the quiet of the evening, I decided to retire to my room. Tiredness and a bit of discomfort settled in, perhaps the side effects of being three months pregnant. Just as I got comfortable, Luca walked into the bedroom.

"How are you doing?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

I reassured him with a tired smile, "I'm fine, just a bit worn out."

As Luca sat beside me, his hand instinctively found its way to my belly, where our little one was growing. "He's quite active tonight," I noted, feeling the baby's kicks beneath my hand.

Luca grinned, "Looks like we've got a little footballer in there."

I chuckled, "Indeed. The way he's kicking, I'm convinced he's practicing for the next World Cup."

Luca joined in the laughter, enjoying the connection with our unborn child. "Any thoughts on names?" he asked, a spark of curiosity in his eyes.

After a moment of contemplation, I shared, "I've been thinking. How about João Luca Romano?"

Luca's expression shifted from curiosity to delight. "João Luca Romano," he repeated, savoring the combination. "I love it. A perfect blend of Brazilian and Italian, just like our family."

As we embraced the choice of our son's name, the room filled with a warmth that transcended the physical discomfort. It was a moment of shared joy, anticipation, and the promise of a beautiful future.

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