Chapter One

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My first kill was at 9. My dad wanted to start me young. Most dads tell their sons they know they are going to be a good doctor or lawyer. Something successful, something to be proud of. My father stuck a knife in my hand on my ninth birthday, told me I had the potential to be a ruthless killer. That was the first time I have ever felt the way the warm blood felt on my hands. The pure bliss of the way a knife feels as it slices the skin. Most kids would have freaked out about that. They would have thrown the knife down and ran. I was a little different than most kids. I felt a rush as I dug that knife into that guy's skin. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I watched the blood drain from that guy's body, the life slowly leaving his eyes. I don't know why I was born this way. I don't know why I had such an urge to kill. Probably the way I was raised. Im not sure. I just know I wouldn't have had it any other way. I walk the streets and people turn their heads. People fear me, respect me, they want to be me. Power, money, freedom is something anybody would want in life. The worse part about being me was the people who want what I have. Other gangs, petty drug dealers, even some of my men wants the power I have. "Sir, we have a problem." Two of my men, eli and Alejandro, said as they walked into my office. The same office I killed my father in five years ago. I took over shortly after he had died. "Make it quick I have an interrogation in a hour." I leaned back in my throne as they sat down in the chairs in front of my desk. Eli was my brother. Different mothers but the same bullshit father. He and I were just alike in some ways. We both killed for the gang and even sometimes because we like it. The only difference is he knows how to show feelings. He loves like a normal person, hates like a normal person. I, on the other hand, had problems with that. I was the oldest out of us so I had it so much worse than Eli. Alejandro is my best friend. We grew up together, rose in power together. I had always told him once I became godfather, he would be directly under me. I kept my promise. I'm like the president and he is the vice president. "The camorras did a hit again. They stole a truck full of supplies." Eli threw a picture on my desk of a couple of our men killed and a truck missing from our warehouse. I stared at the picture for a couple minutes before throwing it back down on the table. "FUCK!" I yelled slamming my fist on the table. This was the second hit they did on us in the past three months. My dad caused problems with them right before he died and for the past five years we have been at war with them. The camorras was once in truce with us before my father fucked it all up. That is part of the reason why we had a hit on him. He was destroying everything we had built slowly. Even in his death he is still messing everything up for us. "We must do something and fast. Val, this is thousands of dollars we are missing out on and more. The second hit too. They are evidently starting a war." I paced the floor for a second before sitting back down in my throne and looked over to Al. "What do we know about the Camorras?" I rubbed my chin leaning on my desk looking at Eli and Al. They was right. We needed to come up with a plan and fast. I didn't let anybody fuck us over these last five years and I'm not letting it happen anymore. "Um the leader is Lorenzo. He has a daughter. He is almost as ruthless as you. He has killed children of his enemies. The camorras run the northern part of Italy. Lorenzo wants more power though. The guys we have digging more information up on them said that they heard from a source that he is gunning to get all of Italy under his belt. South, east and west." Eli said throwing a folder onto the desk. I opened the folder to find everything we know about the Camorras. Along with pictures of Lorenzo, some of his men, and a picture of a girl. "This his daughter?" I held the picture of the girl up. Eli nodded his head giving me the perfect idea. The girl looked about my age, maybe a little bit younger. She had long brown hair and golden-brown eyes with the most perfect olive skin tone. She looked innocent. Innocent in a way that she was easy to manipulate. "I have an idea to get close to his operation. Take it down from the inside. All we need is her," I handed Eli the picture and smirked. "Find me everything you know about her. Where she lives, what she does from the time she wakes up to the time she falls asleep. I want to know everything." With that being said Eli and Alejandro stood up and walked out leaving me to get back to my work. Getting inside of a man's head isn't as easy as it seems. Especially being in the life that we are in. My father was a very horrible father and person. He did teach me one thing that have stuck with me in life. "If all else fails. Go after the person they love. Love always breaks" I never understood what he meant really. I never truly felt love for anything. I mean I loved my job. I love killing if that's a thing you can love. And I love being feared. But have I truly felt love for someone? I haven't. I know a father's love for their daughter is unmatched.  If I wanted to get inside this man's head his daughter was the way to do it.

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