Chapter 14 - All For You

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The next hour is spent showering and drinking, dancing and a little bit more drinking. Everyone is on a good level and is mingling in small groups around.

You hear a whistle from the middle of the room and spin around to see Jonas stood on a table in the middle of the room. Beth holds her bottle up in the air and shouts out "waheeey strip tease", which earns a laugh from everyone.

Jonas laughs and holds his hands in the air whilst saying "alright alright it is not that i'm afraid. I know the most of you have a free day tomorrow before international duties begin, so if you are all up for it i've booked out a restaurant in London for you all to celebrate todays win, clean sheet and of course Beth's goals".

You all cheer loudly and crowd around Jonas, Leah shouts "Jonas Eidevall's" and you all chant back "red and white army" over and over again.

Two hours later and you've just arrived at the restaurant just outside of central London where you are meeting the girls. As you step out the taxi you spot a pretty blonde doing the exact same, noticing her before she's seen you.
You walk over to Leah and wolf whistle whilst looking her up and down.
She is wearing black tight fitted nike cargos paired with an over sized tee.
Leah shyly smiles as her cheeks turn rosy, before pulling you in for a hug whilst whispering "you look gorgeous" and leaves a gentle kiss behind your ear.

You feel goosebumps appear over you body at her touch and now it's your turn to blush, Leah guides her cold hand under your jacket and rests it on your lower back at the exposed skin and ushers you inside out of the cold.

You sit down with Leah to your left and Katie to your right with Beth opposite you.

Over the next 45 minutes drinks flow between you all and you chat between courses. As the plates are being cleared from your last course Katie stands up and taps her glass to get everyone's attention. As everyone turns to look at her she holds her glass up and says "i think it's time for our star girl to make a speech", and motions to Beth as you all cheer in agreement.

After lots of debate Beth finally stands up and shuffles her feet back and forth, "where do i begin" she starts.
"The past year has been one of the hardest years i think i will ever have to face. Doing my ACL broke my heart, then finding out that i would also miss out on the world cup was awful".
She motions to Viv sat next to her "but i couldn't dwell on it for too long because someone had to come steal my thunder and join me", which earns a laugh from everyone as Viv rolls her eyes at her girlfriend.

Beth continues "I often thought 'why us, what did we do to deserve this'. But maybe the world knew this was what we needed. Being out of football meant i could spend so much more time with my mum. We were able to do things i never thought i would have the time to do before and we made so many more memories".
She stops to take a deep breath and blink away the tears threatening to escape before continuing, "you girls have been my rock throughout this time, without you guys i wouldn't have been able to get through anything this last year has thrown at me. When i needed you, you were all there for me and did anything you could for me and Viv to help us get through this tough time. I don't think we would ever be able to repay you all for everything you have done for us, i don't have words to explain how thankful we are for all of you."

"Now let's get onto the good bit, my comeback game" she chuckles whilst rubbing her hands together, "coming back at the Emirates was just the best, hearing the roar of 'Meado' as i ran on the pitch exactly one year after i did my ACL made me feel at home. Thankyou Miss Alessia Russo for finishing and getting me an assist in my first game". She holds her hands up towards Alessia and claps who pretends to bow.
"But also thankyou for the assist earlier. And baby Kyra thankyou for that beautiful cross which sealed my first goal, you run that mid line with your magic feet".
Beth picks up he glass and holds it up whilst saying "mum that game was for you" and raises her glass to the sky before taking a big sip, everyone raises their glass and says "for June".

A little while later Steph stands up and calls out "guys" in her strong Aussie accent, everyone turns as she gets their attention. "We are thinking of heading to a cocktail bar down the road, who's coming?". A chorus of cheers rings out signalling that everyone is indeed up for it.

Half an hour later you're all tucking into your first round of cocktails in a quiet cocktail bar in more towards central London.
You and Leah both have gone for a Pornstar Martini, she picks up her shot of prosecco and goes to pour it in her drink.
"NO" you shout before she gets the chance to pour it in, she looks at you confused as all of the girls also turn to look at you.
"You have to shot it, who on earth pours it in the cocktail" you shrug.
All of the girls laugh as Leah looks around the group with a confused look on her face, "i have to agree with you there Amelia"Alessia agrees.
You pick up your shot glass and motion for Leah to do the same before throwing the prosecco down the back of your throat and Leah does the same.

A few drinks later and everyone is definitely feeling the alcohol, you walk up to Beth who is dancing in the corner and sling your arm over her shoulder. "My Beffy" you slur, "it's all for you, you deserve nothing less. I know i haven't known you personally for very long but i've seen the journey you've been on over the last year and I am so incredibly proud of you". You turn to Beth who is now wiping tears from her eyes and pull her in for hug.
"I'm so glad we signed you" Beth starts, "I saw you when you played for Sheffield and knew you were gonna be something special. You've been a really good friend to me and i can't wait to link up with you on the pitch".
You hug again before Leah comes over and slides a hand around your waist, "can i steal Miss Wilson for a second" she smiles sweetly at Beth. She nods her head before slurring something about going to find Viv before stumbling off.

You turn around in Leah's arms and rest your head on her chest, "are you tired" she whispers as she rests her head on yours. You nod you head, adding "yeah but i have at least another drink to get in me".
Leah laughs and takes you hand whilst saying "this one's on me then", whilst leading you over to the bar.

After another drink you let the girls know you're about to head home, half of the girls have left already. Leah comes up behind you and rests her head on your shoulder, "you tired?" you whisper to her. She doesn't speak but nods her head as a big yawn escapes.
You motion to Leah and tell the girls "i'll take this one home on my way too, thanks for tonight girls i had a really good time and congrats again Beth".
You hug everyone once again before linking your arm with Leah's and pulling her towards the exit.

You jump in the first taxi you see, giving the driver your address as Leah's eyes begin to slowly close. She rests her head on your shoulder and you rest your hand on her thigh to reassure her you're still there.

Not long after the driver pulled up at your house, you help Leah towards your room and sit her down on your bed as you root through your draws to find some clothes for her to sleep in.
"Help me" she mumbles, half asleep and still drunk.
You put a finger under her chin and gently lift her head to look in her eyes, "are you sure?" you ask.
Leah nods her head, "i trust you" she replies giving you her permission.

You stand Leah up to unbutton her trousers before slowly sliding them down revealing her tanned and toned legs, you fold them up before pulling on her shorts.
You gently sit Leah back down on the side of the bed and pull her tshirt up over her head as she helps you by holding her arms up. You can't help but let your eyes wander over her body, taking in the outlines of her abs whilst tracing your fingers up her sides.
"Hey stop taking advantage" she mumbles as a smirk plays on her face. You roll your eyes and tug at the bottom of her sports bra whilst asking "can i?".
Leah nods her head before you carefully pull it up over her head, replacing it with a tshirt ready for bed.

You guide Leah towards the bathroom and lean her against the sink to brush her teeth, you run back into your room and quickly change before meeting her back in the bathroom.
A few minutes later and you are both in bed, Leah pulls herself closer to you and rests her head on your chest with her arm draping across you. You pull her in closer to you and wrap your arm around her back, resting your hand on her waist.
Leah smiles and says "hm this feels nice". You chuckle and kiss her head whilst saying "shh close your eyes now".
You both whisper goodnight before falling peacefully asleep.


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