Yet Another Encounter

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Nova had been web zipping around the snowy wasteland for what had seemed like hours....even though in reality it had only been 10 minutes. No matter where he went, he had not found a single worker , which was understandable. No one was dumb enough to roam this frozen wasteland during the night...Sadly~.

He mentally slapped himself for that last thought. Why did he always have to think like that? Though...he would be lying if a sick and twisted part of him didn't enjoy taking their lives. He couldn't figure out if it was a resentment feeling from how he was treated back in his home, or if he was just a psycho...probably the first reason.

Nova brushed the thought aside, and landed on the side of a building sticking to the surface. He was getting frustrating now having not found a single wandering worker, and his thoughts were not helping in the slightest. If anything, they were making him go insane, and the scary thing was half of them weren't even his own thoughts...

He wanted to yell out into the sky in frustration, and he was about to...but in the corner of his vision, he saw a red flashing light on the ground just a couple of meters away. Curiosity got the better of Nova, so he swung over towards the blinking light landing on the ground just a couple of feet away. Though, now he could see clearly what it was that was flashing red...

It was a severed worker drone's head, that was flashing a red exclamation symbol on its visor, along with its body laying just a few feet away that was bleeding with oil in the snow. Most workers would've freaked out by a sight like this, but Nova only stared at the sight before him with a neutral stare and grabbed the severed head curiously, before dropping it after a few seconds.

The worker's head was still in they were just killed a couple of minutes ago warm. It was concerning, but the warning had popped on his screen again reminding him what it was he needed to do, so in one quick motion, he sunk his fangs into the neck of the discarded worker body and started to drain whatever he could out of it. Already, Nova could feel his systems cooling as he drank the substance from.

After a few seconds, he removed his fangs from the body and discarded it back to the ground. At that point he didn't care what killed the worker, they probably would've been killed by him anyways had he come across them first. With a shrug he only kept on walking, but not even two minutes later he stumbled upon a sight that made his eyes hollow in fear...

It was a small clearing, along with multiple diseased worker drones all headless just as the previous worker he had stumbled on.  Again it was the only limb all of the bodies were lacking, and some seemed to have holes burned through their chests where their cores would have been.  

Any sensible drone drone would have fled from the sight of this. Surely whatever had did this would still be around...right? Well not for Nova, whose fearful look suddenly twisted into a fanged-smile, along with a familiar three-pronged webbed symbol overtaking his visor.  He grabbed the nearest body and sunk his teeth into the neck of it, oil splattering his face as he started to drain whatever he could.

Skipping through the 'messy details', this would continue for a couple of minutes more, draining oil from one body and then moving onto the next, all the while grinning manically. 

The worker was about to reach for the last of the bodies laying around in the snow, only to spot the very same cyan disassembly drone from the night before standing just a few feet away from him. She had a shocked expression on her face, and was pointing some sort of sub machine gun  at him from where her hand should have been. 

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