Ch4: School Tournament

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Skel: Cid! Guess what?

Me: What?

Po: We signed you up for the school tournament!


Skel: Isn't it amazing? Think of all the girls-


Po: At least, that's what we'd have loved to say but it turns out you'd already signed up. Why didn't you tell us?


Me: What are you talking about? I didn't sign up for-

Both: If we'd known we would have definitely joined-

Me: Uhm...

Both: Show off our crazy muscles and-

Ignoring these two, if I think about this logically then the only plausible answer would be that Alexia or Nu submitted my name, the former being the more likely suspect of the two. I mean, it's easy to figure out why. She's always wanted to boost my fame amongst the students, even while we were faking a relationship. Still, the question remains as to how I should go about this.

If I merely refuse, not only am I likely to get an earful over it later from Alexia but if my sister were to find out as well then...sigh. On the other hand, I can't win as I have yet to show that I have any talent besides getting myself beaten regardless of the odds. 

Me: That's it!

Both: Huh?

All I need to do is go down swinging. Be the underdog that loses but no one can stop talking about! 

Me: Ha...haha...hahahaha

Both: C-Cid?

Me: If that's how she wants to play then so be it.



Announcer: Next round! Cid Kagenou versus...Student Council President Rose-


Listen to that crowd go! Usually a character of my type would never dream of stealing the spotlight from such an ethereal being as her but...

Listen to that crowd go! Usually a character of my type would never dream of stealing the spotlight from such an ethereal being as her but

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Referee: Begin!

At once, we both blast towards each other with incredulous speed. 


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