2: Exchanged #'s ✨

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"Woke up to yet another day, and still woking at this damn job" My co-worker, Harry, said groaning as he cleaned the dishes.

"Hush Harry, you know what happened last time the boss heard you complain about something" I said.

Sarah walked over Harry and patted his back after just clocking in. "Don't worry Harry, you can talk all the shit you want. The boss isn't here and won't be for a while. She's on vacation, remember?"

"Oh, you're right! I forgot about that" Harry said. "Well I gotta go now, gotta help prepare the meals. See ya later" Harry waved us off and walked away.

"Me too, Y/n. Those orders aren't gonna make themselves" Sarah grabbed her pen and notepad. "See you soon"

"Yea, in like five minutes. We're at the same station" I chuckled as she walked away, wigging her booty a bit. "Hehe, you're so silly"

"Um, excuse me? Is this seat taking?" I heard a male voice asked me, kinda slowly. I turned around and saw the same guy from yesterday. The smiling one. He was pointing at the stool he asked about.

"No, sir! Please, take a sit. I don't mind" He gave me a gentle smile before sitting down. "So...is there anything I can do for you?"

"Can I have some-"

"Tea" I interrupt him. "Coming right up, sir"

"How did you know?" He turned his head to the side and started scratching his hair with his finger. "That's weird"

He's cute. "I only know because you are the only one who ever ordered some tea before, so congrats for being the first. Here you go, sir" I said as I handed him his drink.

"Thanks" He took a seat.

"Welcome, sir" I said about to leave but he grabbed my arm, not too hard though. "Ah- yes?"

"You know I have a name right? It's not sir, you make it sound like I'm old or something. It's sad"
He pouted a little.

I giggled and turned around towards him as he let go of my arm. "Well then sir, tell me your name"

"Kizaru" He reached his hand out for me to shake. I hesitated at first but reached out and shook it. His hands are really warm.

"Y/n, am Y/n" I gave him my name.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman, I like that" He winked at me. "Say, Y/n. Do you have any plans for this weekend? I would like to take you out sometimes"

"Like a date? Or.."

"It can be whatever you like"

"Well, no, I don't actually. I guess I could hang with you, you're funny and I would love to get to know you better "

"Glad" Kizaru pulled out his phone and handed it to me with a smile. "Can you bless me with your number, cutie? Wanna chat sweetly later, darling?"

I turned my head as I could feel the heat rushing all over my face. "Yea! S-sure I don't mind" I grabbed his phone and dialed my number in. I called it and it soon showed on my phone. "So you know that it's not a fake number"

"You're so cute-"

"Kizaru! Let's go and stop flirting with that female" We both looked back to see Aokiji wasted out of his mind with the other guy holding him, waiting for Kizaru.

"Well looks like I gotta go. Sorry about him, but I'll see you around" I quietly nodded my head as he got up to leave. "Call me when you get out"

And with that he left. Harry and Sarah both ran towards me and shook me like hell.

"Oh my goodness! Y/n you're not going to be a single lady anymore! I'm so happy for you two!" Sarah said squealing like a little girl.

"Me too! I honestly thought you were gay and didn't want to come out to us. Or that nobody liked you and thought you were just ugly ass fuck" Harry said placing his cold, wet hands on my face.

"First all fuck you and guys it's nothing like that he probably just wanted to be friends with me or I was just a bet to some stupid game guys play when they go drinking. I'm probably nothing to him, okay"

"Girl no, you saw the way he was looking at you! He likes you, and I'm not talking so 'Ooh I think she's cute or whatever' No! Girl that man looks like he wanted you" Sarah said.

"To devour you" Harry added. "My girlfriend is calling hold on" Harry excuses himself.



"Are you call him when you get home or what? Because if you don't want him, I'll take him?"

"Sarah you have like five different boyfriends-"


"Six different boyfriends. Don't you think that's enough for you?"

"Enough is never enough, honey. But seriously call him and I mean it. But let me get back to my job" She walked off and Harry came back.

"Alright, what I missed?"


I unlocked my door and patted my fur baby who was waiting for me the whole day. "Hey, Buddy! Who are you?" And usually he started telling me about his day

I headed to the kitchen and made his food before handing it to him. I took a quick little shower and nap before getting up to watch some TV.

I laid down when I couldn't find anything interesting to watch. I then remembered that I got that Kizaru guy number. I picked up my phone and looked over his number.


I then received a message from him.

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Are you still working?

Me: no. Just got home. Wassup?

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Feel like calling?

Me: Sure just give me a second

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Alrighty then, take your time, but don't leave me hanging.

Calling: xxx-xxx-xxxx



And from the next three hours past we stayed on the phone with each other and talked about whatever we wanted. It was nice talking to someone for a change except talking to your dog that you barely see because of work. After hanging up and heading to bed, I feel great.

'I sure hope he's the one I've been looking for'

Sent text message to: Kizaru

Me: Good night, heading to bed now

Kizaru✨: Wish you the best dreams, see ya!

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Moshi moshi!

ImBlue here! Yes I know it's been a long while but it's okay though I have a good reason why. Ready?

My cat flew into the sky to meet the angel skeletons from hell and I forgot my toes in the shower.

And y'know.

(I forgot about the story. Again)
Alright guys I'm gone. Peace
Bye bye loves

-ImBlue 🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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