Burning at both ends

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"Dr. O I know the suit looks good and all but stop messing around" Kira said.

"I wish I could Kira when Trent had froze me in the amber somehow my gem and my morpher must've remolecularized" Tommy said.

"In other words" Conner asked him.

"He stuck" Hayley said as she slammed her hand on her leg. "Speaking of Trent looks like he is up to no good again" Hayley said as walked over to the screen.

"So over that poser" Conner exclaimed.

"Go we will see what we can figure out over her" Tommy told them as they nodded their head at him.

Ready! Ready!

Dino thunder power up! Ha!


Trent came stomping through the city in his zord making people run in fear "that's right you better run" Trent said as they started to shoot at his zord while riding their raptor.

"That is enough" Conner said.

"I'm just getting started" Trent said.

"It's zord time" Conner called out as there zords came running. "Let's combine them" Zack said as he combined his zord with the others.

"Make your move" Trent said.

"Now's what is he up to" Ethan said.

"I don't know but we have to stop him" Kira exclaimed.

"I hate to do this to ya nothing personal" Trent said as he wrapped a chain around their zord.

"We need Dinozord help" Conner called out as the zords came running.

"Perfect containment fields on" Trent said to himself as he captured the two zords.

"What" Conner exclaimed as Trent had captured two of there zords.

"Let them go" Conner exclaimed.

"Sorry but that's not going to happen" Trent said with a smirk.

"Trent you have to stop this you are out of control" Kira said trying to get through to him.

"Looks like I'm in control" he said.

"What he going to do with them" Ethan asked out loud as he sent a blast making the megazord shake.

"Huh" Conner said confused as Trent vanished into thin air.


"What the situation Hayley" Tommy asked her.

"It's no good" she sighed out as she tried to break them out. "He's got them in a force field."

"It's not his fault it's the gem it's almost like I was but his must be stronger then mine was" Dakot explained to them thinking about how hard it was to fight the hold of the gem.

"I don't care who's fault it is we find a way to deal with him or thing will get ugly" Conner said.

" slow down I was in his shoes once I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for my friends had given up on me" Tommy explained causing them to stop and think.

"Same here" Dakota said as she looked at her uncle and then her cousin.

"We definitely won't give up on him yet" Zack said  as Dakota looks down at her wrist and then looked up and shook her head.

What do we do" Ethan asked him.

"Go back to school, keep a low profile and me and Hayley will let you know if anything changes"  Tommy said as they all walked away.

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