Here Cums the Devil

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About The Story-
Anastasia B. Housen has always been a good pious woman. But even she has a secret side. A side so kinky and sinful that she knows she'll end up in hell. And she does. There she finds sexy demons and all the chains and whips that she could want.
Word Count- 2007

Anastasia B. Housen always knew she would end up in hell.

So it came to no surprise when she woke up suspended naked by her wrists over a river of lava. Her hands grip the chains tightly, not in fear, but rather at the rush of arousal that courses through her. The chains were nothing new to her, most of her old daddies were into it. The lava, however, was very new.

As was the naked winged devil hovering in front of her with a horse crop.

Her eyes rake over the winged devil, or what she assumes is a devil, but she couldn't help think that he was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. From the horns pointing out of his forehead to what looks like fangs, giant black feathered wings and the forked tail.

All demon things.

But his fangs were set behind perfect full lips on a chiseled face, his horns were partially covered by long flowing black hair and by the gods he had perfect bronze skin. And perfect muscles.

And a perfect cock.

She stares it, her arousal growing. It was the best one she had ever seen- standing nearly eleven inches, girthy and ribbed. She could see the grooves on the top of it and wondered briefly what it would feel like inside her.

Stop it, she chastised herself. It's that kind of thinking that got you here. Although, the longer she looked at that perfect cock the more she found that she didn't mind if she was in hell.

The devil smirks and raises the crop, trailing it between her breasts and down her stomach before rubbing it between the folds of her pussy.

Her legs spread automatically, giving him more access to her incredibly aroused and aching pussy. The soft leather of the crop feels like velvet as it rubs against her, almost making her moan from the contact.  The devil continues to tease her with it, almost like he wanted her to enjoy it.

But this was hell, surely it was a trick.

Still, she couldn't help the feeling that slowly builds in her stomach. The small ember slowly building until there's a fire in her belly that threatens to boil over. And just when she can't fight it anymore and is about to give in, the devil removes the crop from between her legs.

He chuckles at her clearly frustrated expression and moves behind her, his wings flapping gently. Before she can turn to look at him, the crop hits her hard on the ass and she lets out a groan. This was also nothing new to her, and she had learned early on that she rather enjoys being tortured.

The crop meets her ass again and this time the devil asks in a silky smooth voice, "have you been a bad girl, Anastasia?"

"Yes sir," she says quickly, her muscle memory kicking in again.

Another smack of the crop, "are you a dirty girl?"

"Dear god yes," she moans, clenching her thighs together to stop her arousal from flooding down her legs.

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