The Huntress

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About the Story-
When a wolf gets caught in a hunters trap, the last thing he expects is the beautiful Huntress that comes to kill him. Unable to contain his arousal, his only idea to get out of the trap is to seduce the Huntress.

Word Count- 2,693

The knife bites into my throat as the silver ropes binds me to the tree. The Huntress in front of me stands so close that I can smell all her emotions-

A tinge of fear.
And as she glances down briefly, lust.

"Are you getting hard?" She asks in disbelief as her knife bites into my neck, blood flowing around it.

Ignoring the pain I lean towards her, "what can I say? A beautiful woman threatening to kill me is a turn on." I don't try and contain my arousal anymore and let my cock get fully hard. To say I'm well endowed would be an understatement. The Huntress is close enough that my cock slips between her legs and rubs against the denim that separates her wetness from me.

And she was wet. I could smell it.

Her knife goes from my neck to the base of my cock, "you do realize that you just made it easier for me to cut off your wolfhood?"

I grin at her, "you'd have to touch it for that." And oh how I wish she would. I nearly shudder at the thought of her small hands wrapped around my cock.

She looks appalled at the thought, "only in your dreams beast."

I take a long sniff of the cool night air, "and in yours too it seems Huntress. You can't hide it from me, I can smell your arousal."

Her knife presses into the base of my cock harshly, "who says it's from you? Maybe I'm turned on at the thought of killing you?"

"Then put us both out of our misery and slice my throat as we cum," I growl. My entire body strains against the rope wrapped around me, yearning to get to the Huntress and claim her.

She watches me struggle, curiosity written on her face. "Are all beasts as sexually driven as you?"

I laugh, "pray that you never find out." The moon peaks out from behind the clouds and bathes us in its light. New strength courses through me and I pull at the rope again, grinning at the girl when it snaps. "Would you like a head start?" I ask her.

She holds up the knife, "I'm not running."

"Are you sure?" I ask as the change ripples through me. In an instant I'm nearly ten feet tall and her eyes widen. Her eyes dart from me to the woods, indecision crossing her face. "I'll make you a deal," I growl. "I'll give you a five minute head start. If you manage to evade me until dawn, I'll let you kill me willingly. If I find you, I get to fuck you until dawn."

The girl looks like she's going to argue but then she bolts towards the woods, vanishing quickly. I wait the promised five minutes, rubbing my cock as I wait and picturing her small hands wrapped around it. Her lips sucking it, her dripping pussy pulsing around it.

I almost cum from the thoughts right there. But luckily for me, time was up. I let out a howl and start running towards where the Huntress had disappeared, picking up her scent quickly. The smell of her arousal was still thick in my nose and I follow it rapidly, wanting nothing more than to sink my cock into her.

It takes mere moments before the girl appears in front of me, running as fast as she can in the thick woods. I growl at the sight of her and she looks back at me, tripping on a branch and falling harshly to the ground.

"Found you," I rasp. The girl lays on her back, breathing hard. The sight of her below me hardens my cock more and I crawl over the top of her, my cock rubbing against her. "I caught you, now you're mine until dawn." My claws easily rip through her pants, exposing her dripping pussy. The scent of her fills me and I nearly fill her right then.

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