Chapter 25

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 "Veritas Vos Liberabit"

"The Truth shall make you free"


Do you really have to leave? I do Zoe, my babies are graduating and I've already been here longer than I thought I would be. I know it's just...I am good she said straightening up a little bit. You don't have to be tough Zoe just say what you're feeling. You don't want me to say that. I do want you to say how you are feeling. I am kind of pissed. Pissed why? You're so loyal and I just don't see how you were so forgiving of Lisa and Tionne this easily when they just left you in Georgia like that. You're upset with my wives; I said smirking a little bit. Yeah, I am, because how dare they treat you that way after everything you did for them. Jaya you killed for them and they treated you like shit and now I am just supposed forget about that and act like nothing happened. No, you can't because I didn't either, I said honestly. When they came and got me Zoe, things weren't all happy butterflies and shit, it was real deal work that they put in to get me and our relationship back in a good place. I love them, Zoe! I love them more than...I love them more than anything. But I can also understand why you feel the way you feel as well. It's the reason why I told you never put your family in your relationship business because you'll forgive and move on, but your family will hold grudges forever. I guess you're right. You know I am right, that's why I don't get into your business with Lucas, he works for me, but you are my sister, my baby sister at that and no amount of Familia loyalty would ever make me turn on you. That's good to know. That also isn't a weapon for you to use against him either Zoelle. I know you, we're both products of Leila Moreno and when Ms. Leila gets upset, she's use your own mama against you, I said laughing a little.

It didn't surprise me that Zoe was upset about what happened between me and the girls. My sisters and I love hard, but trust harder, when they broke that trust of taking care of me in sickness and health, both of them went on the defense. Sasha went through her battles with both of them, especially Tionne, but they worked through it because they had more than just me to fix it for. Now Lisa, Lisa was a different situation altogether, she left because I became violent with her. I did the one thing that I promised I wouldn't do and that was make her relive her childhood all over again. I don't blame her for leaving, she had to go and get herself out of that situation, my anger with her was the fact that she took my children with her and didn't ask. I came home and their stuff was packed and gone. And then I find out she's renting out a 6-bedroom mansion in Jersey that's what sent me overboard and had me thinking that both of them didn't really love me the way they said they did. They only loved me for the money. I'd convinced myself that's all they saw in me was money, and once again I was that scared teenage girl in a situation that I didn't want to be in because of someone I thought loved me.

Why don't you come with me Zoe. Huh! Come with me back to the states, I know you want to see Izzy and Riah graduate. I do but we have business and...excuses you just don't want to go because you're angry. I am telling you to let it go. It's hard. Trust me, I know it's hard, but there are way more serious things in this world than being angry at my wives. I don't know Jaya, what about Lucas and India I can't just leave my responsibilities. I think you should go babe, Lucas said from the doorway. You do! You should go spend some time with your sisters and mom, India and I will be fine and besides her mother finally decided she wanted to see her. She did Zoe said giving him this look. Mhm, I told her two weeks was all I could promise. What do you say Zoe, come to California with me. She looked between me and Lucas before finally agreeing. I guess I can take a little break, I do need to check on my stores and go to a doctor. Not to say the doctors here aren't good, I'd just rather someone that speaks English fluently tells me how my baby is doing. So go pack your bags, the jet is leaving in an hour. Ok she said smiling before leaving my room to go and pack her bags.

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