Caught Under Mistletoe

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“Hark! The herald angels sing glory to the newborn king!” I was out caroling with my youth group. We were at our third house, and I was already cold. I was stupid and didn't bring a coat. All I had was a sweatshirt and under that was a short sleeves. 

I really should've brought a coat, I thought as we finished up the song. At least I had gloves. My hands wouldn't get frostbite. I shivered and smiled as the old couple gave us a little treat.

“You can have my coat.” Someone said, startling me. I looked to see Archie Callahan. The redhead who had joined the youth group a few months ago. I blushed, had I said that out loud?

“I'm fine.” I blurted as we headed to the van. I shivered again, and he raised an eyebrow.

“No, seriously, you can have it. I'm plenty warm.” he was starting to take his coat off, but I grabbed his arm, “You don't have to!”

“... Are you sure? It's not going to get any warmer outside.” We got into the van, and without thinking had sat by each other.

“We could take turns using your coat?” I suggested.

“Not a bad idea. Here, next house you get my coat.” He gave it to me. And I blushed as I put it on.

“And here.” He gave me his chocolate we had gotten from the house, “I don't like Hershey's.”

I took it, smiling at him. “Thanks.”

.    .    .

I hadn't forgotten about what Archie had done. He was so nice! And he gave me his chocolate. That was a few days ago, and now my family and I were getting ready for Christmas, which was in a week.

I was baking cookies and must've had a funny look on my face, because my older sister, who was helping with cookies, looked at me and sighed.

“What, Angela?” I asked, looking at her. Taking the chance to taste a bit of the cookie dough. It tasted good. Not as good as the actual baked cookie, but it was good.

“Who is it?” My sister asked, a teasing glint in her eye.

I didn't know what she meant, “what do you mean?” I blushed, I was confused.

“Who is he? What's his name?” She gave me a sly look. He?

“... Archie?” I blushed harder. I shrugged and started to place the cookie dough on the sheet. She started to wash her hands.

“The redhead? He's cute, isn't he?” I saw what she was doing.

“I guess,” I mumbled, “yes. He is. Really cute.” I blurted out. “Like, IMMENSELY cute.” I sighed, blushing more.

“What did he do to make you like him?” She smiled and helped me.

“He lent me his coat. And he gave me chocolate.”

“He gave you chocolate?” she laughed and sighed.

Then I suddenly remembered. “I'm so stupid!” I yelped. I slapped a greasy hand to my forehead. 

“What?” Angela looked at me, concerned.

“I still have his coat!” I started to pace the kitchen, freaking out. “I must've forgotten! Surely he must've known I had it!”

“Why don't you call him and tell him?” My sister calmed down, and tried to calm me down.

“Why would I have his number?!” I looked at her, and she laughed.

“Maybe he has a number on his coat or something. I'll finish up the cookies, you go figure stuff out with your boyfriend's coat.” she stuck her tongue out at me as I blushed hard and lightly slapped her.

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