Chapter 37

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The two boys scrambled on the sand

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The two boys scrambled on the sand. The tall stranger landed a punch on Reid's jaw and kneeled him in the stomach. He fell over onto the ground, grunting. They both stood up, Reid's breathing heavy. "You got a little something here," the guy rubbed his jaw hinting to the spot where Reid was punched.

"Yeah, do I need to bring you a mirror dumbass," Reid's nostrils flared. The guy's face did look worse, I wouldn't lie, I could already see the black eye starting to form. "Are you the dick who put his hands on my cousin?" He pointed a finger at him.

"I didn't touch the little girl," he pushed Reid in his chest, sending him backward. "That was all Dex, he's the one who wanted to do the honors."

My stomach turned, feeling disgusted by the way he talked about hitting girls. Max had a big personality but was small in size. The fact he hit her so many times that she passed out from the pain made me sick.

"Fuck you," Reid pushed him back. He went to attack him again when Jasper got in between the two of them. "Jasper what the hell are you doing," he stood in front of him, staring daggers at the mystery man.

"Back off Reid, we're not getting the police involved. I don't agree or like what he's doing but Blake is my older brother, and I'm not going to let you fight him here."

My eyes flew to Jasper, the dots connecting in my brain. "You're the one who told him about Max's plan!" I blinked in shock. "You were standing there when I was on the phone, you knew!" I recalled back to the day Max made that abrupt phone call. I should have known.

He turned to me, his eyes softening. "Jade I swear if I knew what they were going to do I wouldn't have told them. You have to believe me."

My eyes welled up with tears, I couldn't believe he would betray us like this. I thought we were at least friends. Reid took one look at me, his eyes hardened as he pushed Jasper in the chest, away from him. "We're leaving," he walked up to me and took my hand in his.

We traveled through the sea of bodies and made our way to the car. I got in the passenger and stayed silent the whole ride. I was too in my head to notice we were parked outside my house. I looked at the house and said, "No Reid, I want to go back with you." I had no intention of leaving him alone right now.

Reid didn't fight me on it and pulled into his driveway. We got out and through the front door. I slipped my sandals off and walked to the fridge to grab an ice pack. "You keep getting hit in the face," I mumbled, applying the pack to his red skin.

"I keep pissing people off," he grinned, taking the pack into his hand and holding it against his face. I sat down on the seat beside him. I then remembered I was still in my swimsuit, and sand in places I would like to get off now.

"I'm going to take a shower," I told him and trotted up the stairs. I grabbed some of Reid's clothes and went up to his bathroom. I washed away all the sand and washed my face of the makeup from earlier. When I came out, steam left the room with me.

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