leias surprise

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everyone knew who kahleia was! she was a very well known child, who was known to have the most outgoing personality, the cutest little dimples, big brown doe eyes, and a bunch of stubbornness 

but that's not the only thing she was known for, she was also known for her last name "Bradford" to be precise and you know who also has the same last name? her father Tim Bradford the CEO of the most successful electronic, company everyone feared his rathe, he was known to be such a hard ass, and not easily impressed, he was also very over protective of his own, and if any was to messed with any of his family, let it be known that he will tear them limb by limb 

kahleia also had multiple aunts and uncles who worked at her daddys company as well, like her aunt Angela! she's her favourite but you can't tell her aunt Nyla, or Bailey

Lucy was a little busy with some paperwork which Tim insisted she didn't HAVE to do it but she wanted it to get done fast and properly, although she did hope she would finish in time to pick up kahleia from school until Tim ended up offering to pick her up and bring her down to work as he's been planing a surprise for her all day, and he just could not wait to show her 

Lucy smiled at his excitement and gave him a quick peck before he left

he pulled the car up front before getting out to spot her, she then emerged from the school doors  with a bright pink backpack, holding her books in one, as her pony tail flowed off her shoulder .she threw her eyes around trying to look for her mama and when she couldn't see her  she just hugged the books to her chest, did her mama forget about her? she thought in her head as she turnt around to go look for her teacher, she herd a familiar call out her name


"DADDY!!" she ran straight towards him wrapping her little hands around his waist, Tim let out a huff  "hey there muff,how was you're day today baby?" he asked. she smiled brightly at him bragging about her day and how she  got student of the week 

"woah! student of the week? that's amazing princess! daddys so proud of you" she grind brightly happy about her achievements  "daddy wea we going?"

"well daddys got a little work finish up, so we are we are heading back to daddys office  for a couple of minutes" kahleias eyes brightens up "Otay daddy!"

15 minutes later

they had arrived in the garage and Tim begun unbuckling kahleia from her carseat  she jumped right out into her daddy arms "come on muff lets get you inside"

a bunch of greetings hit them as soon as they entered the office leia held onto her daddy burying her head into his neck to try and shy away from everyone.

"wave out to them baby" she lifted her head from her dads shoulder before greeting everyone, they all melted at the sight of her 

the took the elevator to Lucy an Tims floor, walking down the hall  passing Tims office 

kahleia looked at her Daddy confused until  Tim set her down in front of an unfamiliar room, she had never noticed it until now 

"Leias kingdom"  was displayed on top of the white  door in a bright pink bubble letters 

" wook dada!  is pink! wike my bag!" Tim chuckled 

"okay baby so daddy  has set up a surprise just for you baby"

her smile got even wider she started jumping up and down

"are you ready princess?"

she eagerly nodded "YEA! I WEADY DADDY!" he then pushed down the door nob and opened it kahleia gasped at the sight before her 

inside  it revealed multiple fairy lights hanging on the walls, a huge fluffy carpet centered right in the middle, a small wooden table with two matching chairs on each side, the table contained few things which included colouring books, felts, and markers, all held together in a small circular container

 a bright yellow bean bag in the far left corner next to some shelfs that contained multiple childrens books, a small ball pit was laid on the opposite side of the beanbag, a bucket full of stuffed animals , a toy kitchen,  a small Apple TV that had been hung on the wall

   a baby pink castle inspired bed that substituted stairs for slides ,  a gorgeous yellow couch paired with pink cushions remained underneath it with a small purple swing coming down from the beds frame  completing the castle ,and lastly a little egg hammock chair sat right by the bed with a fluffy grey blanket sitting on top of the cushions  

kehleia squealed in pure excitement before running inside placing her school bag on the floor 

she admired the room as she went to explore every detail, her curious mind toke ahold of her a smile remained on her face 

"you like it princess?" Tim asked kahleia just ran to him and jumped in his arms " I WOVE IT DA!" Tim let out a delighted chuckle and before you know it the room was surround by adults trying to get a Close up of her room 

he let them peek in on it before telling everyone to go back to work he picked Leia up "daddy built this room just for you, so when ever you come visit me or mommy you can always hang out here and have your own space" kahleia smiled taking his hand and bringing him inside "wait hea  daddy! don't move!" her little feet begun running out of the room "I promise I won't" he replied but she was long gone 

after a couple of minutes waiting  she had returned  back with two familiar faces 

"WOAH BRADFORD! this is amazing!" Angela said looking around analysing the space with pure happiness "oh my- baby this is the surprise, its beautiful!" Lucy exclaimed leaning in to give him a very long passionate kiss Leia made a disgusted face "Ewie! daddy! stop eating mamas face dats mean!" she rolled her eyes at her parents, they then broke out into giggles especially Angela

"you tell em Leia!" "baby this place is truly unbelievable, you are the best daddy in the whole wide world! isn't that right little miss" Lucy said grabbing her daughters cheek ever so gently Leia grinned up at her mama nodding in agreement!

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