Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The ground was rapidly approaching as the golden griffon attacked me. All I could do was wait for it to be over. I’d either live or die – and I’m not sure I liked the idea of any of the options.

I noticed the human on the griffon’s back was screaming as it fell through the air. The griffon hesitated and dived after it, abandoning its attack on me.

I continued plummeting to the hard earth, trying to slow my fall as much as I could. At this rate, it looked like the only option I had was to die. I doubted I would get out of this alive. 

All of a sudden, I felt an impact. The only difference was, I wasn’t hitting the ground. It was too soft to be the ground.  I struggled and soon noticed that I was in a net, being supported by two large hippogriffs. I shrieked in protest as they carried me off.

I soon heard an unusual sound in the air, hurtling in my direction. Whatever it was hit me, puncturing my skin. I felt a sharp pain and soon felt myself being dragged into a forced sleep. Whatever the thing was, it caused me to fall into unconsciousness.


There was a harsh, bright light and the sound of human voices when I regained consciousness. What’s with all the noise? It was peaceful only – oh… What happened before I was unconscious suddenly hit me. I opened my eyes and what I saw didn’t please me.

I was in a bright room, three of the walls painted white. The wall directly in front of me was made of glass, so I could see the humans seated on the other side. Chains were connected around my legs, head and beak. The chains around my beak were designed to let me speak, but not let me hurt anyone. I would still be able to eat and drink with it on, but it would be very awkward and uncomfortable.

“Griffon!” a large, short human barked. It was glaring at me like I was the source of all its problems. For all I knew, I could be.

I glared defiantly at the human. Whatever it wanted, calling me griffon wasn’t the way to approach the matter.

“Your crimes have not gone by unnoticed” it said. “I am the Heart, in charge of justice.” His pause gave me time to think. What does he mean by crimes? The only crime I would have done was insult the Council, and I doubt that would have roused this reaction.

The human went on. “I have passed judgment on your sins and have found you guilty.” He paused again. Wait, what? Sins? Guilty? For what?

“Your punishment will be jail” the Heart continued. “For life.”

Wait, if I knew insulting the Council would have ended like this, I never would have done it! Punishable for life in jail!

“Do you have anything to say in your defense?”

“Vut hu ha juliat gow kati kinka kati rilanied zi? (Can you at least tell me what my sin is?)” I growled. I should at least have the right to ask that!

“Your sin?” the Heart echoed. I swear I could see the faint outline of a smile on his face. “Your sin is murder.”

Murder? I thought. The only thing I’ve ever killed was prey, and I doubt that means the same.

“Take her away.”

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