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a/n: nat and you are alone and have lots of sex. that's literally it lol

Natasha and you running away to Norway together seemed like a semi-good idea. But neither of you really had a choice — you had to disappear, and you had to disappear quickly. General Ross and basically everyone else were searching for you, and you really didn't want to be caught.

The thing is, you and Natasha aren't really close. During all of those years of working together, you never have been. You get along, and you feel comfortable enough in each other's presence, but you never dared to overstep the line of 'mildly friendly coworkers'. You don't even remember ever hugging her. And now, all of a sudden, you're stuck with her in a tiny trailer in a forest in Norway.

Just the two of you. No distractions whatsoever.

"I hate this", you mumble as you try opening the frozen door handle, which seems damn near impossible. You finally give up and let go of the handle with a frustrated sigh, making Natasha glance at you.

"Let me try", she just says, crouching down to inspect the handle.

"Staring at it won't help, you know." You wrap your arms around your upper body as you feel the cold nip at your skin. It's snowing hard here, and you hate being cold.

"Stop being a smartass, Y/N." Natasha grabs a lighter, lights it and holds it in front of the lock mechanism. She waits a few seconds before inserting the key, which now turns pretty much immediately. "There we go. Come on."

You go into the small trailer, which you've — unfortunately — grown accustomed to already. You kick off your shoes, throw them into a random corner and slump into the one armchair you have. You sigh as you lean back, running your hands through your hair.

Natasha changes into comfier clothes, then she joins you in the small living room / kitchen space. She sits down on the floor, gets out her gun and starts cleaning it. You watch her do that for a second, then you lightly nudge her ribs with your foot.

She looks up. "Yeah?"

"I'm bored."

"Really." The woman nods and turns around again, continuing to clean the different parts of her gun. You sigh and nudge her again. "What is it, Y/N?" She definitely sounds more annoyed now.

"I'm really bored." You cross your arms. "Do you have to do that now?" You nod at the gun in her hands.

"No, but there's not much else for me to do."

"You could do me", you grin, leaning forwards so your face is at an equal height with hers. She gives you a surprised look. "Come on, don't look at me like that. We're alone, you're hot, I'm horny."

She inspects your face for a few seconds. "Did you drink?"

"Not a drop."

Natasha tilts her head. "Still, it's bold of you to assume I'm into you."

"Are you not?" You smirk challengingly.

She smirks back, turning away again. "You're attractive, annoying and right next to me. Yes, I am."

"So fuck me", you say sweetly, your mouth right next to her ear. "Make me not regret being here."

Natasha smiles as she puts the gun away, then she looks at you again. "Are you being serious?"

"I haven't had sex in almost four months. Yes, I'm serious."

The redhead finally gets up and reaches out her hand. You take it, feeling a little confused but excited nonetheless. She pulls you into the small bedroom, closes the door and crosses her arms. "Are you sure?", she asks again, her eyes fixed on you.

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