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Oh! I forgot to tell. Minho got a year and a half maternity leave. His principal was nice and gave him a long leave. She didn't want to lose a dance teacher like him despite Minho wanting to quit his job to focus on his baby.

Merry Christmas everyone! ❤️🌲⛄

This chapter is not related to Christmas. I was gonna post it yesterday but I was busy.

Right now he was in 4 months of his pregnancy

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Right now he was in 4 months of his pregnancy.

"Gosh this pain is getting unbearable now. It's just the fourth month." Minho cried.

He didn't want to cry but his pregnancy mood swings and hormones weren't helping at all. He held his stomach as the pain kept getting unbearable. Seungmin was at school since it was just 11 in the morning. Others would also have been at their work.

Whom should he ask for help then? He fell on his knees and whimpered in pain. He dialed the first contact which he came across.

"Hello. I need help. Can you please hurry."

He cried and hung up not bothering to see whom he actually called. The pain didn't let him. He had called Felix since he was the last person he talked with in the morning. He felt as if this pain was going and everything was becoming black. He fainted. Soon, Hyunjin and Felix came.

Felix knew their password so he opened the door. He found Minho in the kitchen. Hyunjin picked the shorter male and took him towards the car. They drove to the hospital after Felix took all his files. They informed 3Racha to come over at the hospital.

Only Jeongin and Seungmin were the ones who didn't know about his condition. They were scared how Seungmin is gonna react to this news but they had to tell him.

Seungmin was covering random songs on his student's request since it was a substitution class. He received a phone call. It was from Jisung. He knew that his brother would have never called him during school hours if it wasn't an emergency. He picked up the call excusing himself saying that he had an emergency call.

"Sungie wae? Everything okay?" Seungmin asked in a concerned tone.

"Can you come to the Seoul Hospital? Minho hyung-"

Seungmin cut the call as soon as he heard Minho's name. He ran towards the principal's office asking for a half day. Since, he was very sincere and also had an emergency she granted him the leave. He rushed towards the parking lot the moment he got permission.

"He cut the call as soon as I took Minho hyung's name. I swear he must be very tense and angry right now. He is really protective of him."

Jisung stated and others just agreed with him.

"Will my brother be okay?" Felix cried.

Chan pulled him into his embrace and patted his back.

"Everything will be okay don't worry. We all know he has a critical pregnancy. Maybe just a side effect of that. Don't cry."

The younger just snuggled more into the elder's chest as he heard him. Soon, Seungmin came and Felix told him about the phone call he received from Minho an hour ago. The doctor came after examining Minho and running some tests on him.

"He had internal bleeding. The child is gone."

This was the last thing Seungmin wanted to hear. He cried. He didn't know how he was gonna tell his husband all of this. Minho was so excited that he had already thought what name he would give his child. He also bought so much baby stuff over.

Seungmin was also excited about the baby of course. He was sad but Minho would become devastated if he found out that his baby is gone. He quit all his favourite food, his dance and moreover he had this pain which made him feel like he was dying everyday.

He had sudden mood swings, his hormones would go against him and what not. He won't be able to handle this. Seungmin was more worried about Minho and his condition than himself. He did take care of the elder more than enough.

Still, he couldn't take that pain away from him after all technology isn't that smart that he could share the physical pain. He tried his best to share the mental one though so the elder would remain healthy and won't have any depression.

The five men gave him a group hug in order to console him. He looked at Minho's sleeping figure through the window. He looked so peaceful and cute. But, that was only till he didn't find out about his miscarriage. A nurse came up and told them that they can go and meet Minho if they wanted to.

Seungmin went inside. Others just sat outside on the benches. He slowly approached his lover and softly held his hand and admired his breathtaking visuals. Not much later Minho woke up. The first thing he saw was his lovely husband.


Seungmin called softly gaining the younger's attention who was trying his best not to cry.

"Jagi how do you feel now?"

"It feels so light. Did I already give birth? Our baby is cute right? How is our child? Was I already here for 5 months? Did you miss me? It's summer why are you wearing a jacket?"

Minho said too many things at a time since he had mixed emotions.

"Jagi it has only been two hours since you were here." Seungmin replied.

A hint of sadness can be sensed from his voice.

"Then what's this feeling?" Minho asked.

Tears started forming in his eyes already feeling uneasy.

"Ja-jagi we we lost our child." Seungmin cried.

"It is my fault. I could take good care of myself and our child. The doctor told me not to eat anything unhealthy but the day before yesterday my temptation for eating an ice-cream got bad. I couldn't control it and ended up eating a scoop of strawberry ice cream. But, I swear it was the first time I ate something from outside or unhealthy. I didn't know one time would harm so much." The elder cried.

"No jagi it isn't because of that. You haven't eaten any of your favourite food for 4 months. Also ice-cream won't cause harm. It is not your fault. Maybe the child wasn't in our destiny."

Both of them kept crying and hugging each other. Others who were watching from the window were extremely sad. They couldn't feel what the couple felt but at least they knew their condition was worse than they can imagine. They had lost their unborn child after all.

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