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Jina:"so...you guys did it yesterday?"

Jina, Aera's one and only best friend.

She was there for Aera when she needed Jina the most, they both were living with each other to achieve their dreams together.

And when Aera starts getting famous and starts making a lot of celebrities friends.

She never forgets the only friend she was here at this position because of her.

Aera:"shut up, you're making me blush again"

Jina knows about her friend's Boyfriend and met him on a lot of occasions and she knows their situation of him not giving up his swimming.

But she couldn't do anything because Jina respects the way Hyunjin not giving up on his dream because he reminds her of Aera.

Jina:"tch, look at you with your handsome boyfriend you have"

She scuffed just before her boyfriend came with their food.

Felix:"chicken and beer is here!!"

Felix is Jina's boyfriend who met him through a dating app, and both have been dating with no issue until now.

Aera:"don't say it like that, your boyfriend is also handsome"

Felix blushes whenever Aera compliments his looks, because she is older than him and the only girl -including his girlfriend- who calls him handsome.

Because a lot of people choose to call him pretty instead of handsome.

Felix(while holding his ear):"thank you noona"

Jina then used an aegyo tone and hugged him from the side.

Jina(aegyo tone):"my lix is actually going through a fuss because his students are giving him a hard time"

Felix let out a shy chuckle and hugged her back.

Felix:"you don't have to bring that up, I'm okay noona don't listen to her"

He kept telling his girlfriend that she shouldn't hug him in front of Aera because it was embarrassing looking at her in the eye.

Aera:"but you're wonderful Felix, being an english teacher/tutor at a prestigious academy"

Yes, Felix is a teacher and teaches academics english for students and easy english for beginners.

Jina:"that because he graduated from a famous university in Australia that why..."

And yes, Felix was Australian but came to korea because it has always been his dreamed living here as a teenager.

Aera:"and jina you are a lawyer... Both of you click off together, unlike me and Hyunjin"


He questioned, because it was his first time hearing this name.

Jina:"it's her boyfriend"

Felix let out an "ohhhh" sound because he already knows about Aera's boyfriend but never knows his name.

Aera:"wait Jina... How could Hyunjin and Felix never meet each other before?!"

It's weird since both girls were best friends for a decade.

Jina:"you're right, we both have been dating them for 2 years yet they never met"

here when Aera put her elbows on the table where she put her chin on top of her crossed hands and smiled.

Aera:"Felix dear, is it okay if I set you up with Hyunjin on a Blind-friendly-date"

Felix scratched his head then he adjusted his glasses, this doesn't bother him.

Felix:"is it necessary for me to go meet him"

He's right, it doesn't matter knowing about her boyfriend or what he looks like.

Jina:"of course it is important, all of us four can go on double dates"

She hit him and told him that it is important for their boyfriends to meet.

Felix:"if that's what you want then I don't mind"

He didn't want to argue so he agreed on meeting Hyunjin.

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