Meeting (edited)

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Aa: Indonesian
A: Japanese


Bandung - Indonesia

"You should go to psychiatrist."

His friend whom he consider as a sister say a week a go rang in his mind. Amu's advice does make sense, even though she likes to joke and her behavior almost crazy as their other friends, if someone asks an advice from her she would give serious reply.

Due to his childhood trauma, Shoto can't sleep well for years. He has severe case of insomnia and because of this, his emotions uncontrollable. Shoto knew it's not healthy but he can't sleep well, especially at night. Because of this, Shoto spends his time studying or beating some bully at school even getting into fights with other student from another school in his free time which of course endanger his life because those fight was brutal.

Shoto is smart and handsome, he also has many girls who admire him, but he doesn't care about them. Even if people ask him what he want to be one day he can't answer as if he don't have any drive to life. Shoto still has emotions for his close friends, especially Amu, someone he didn't manage to save when they were in middle school. Shoto still blames himself sometime, if he come sooner or walked her to her home Amu wouldn't be like she is now. If only at that time he had managed to catch the perpetrator, he would have killed that thing with his own hands.

Shoto don't have anyone he could call as family, he was a child born out of wedlock and his father often beat his mother and him. His mother also had mental disorder, Shoto don't knows how many times he got hit by his own mother because she don't allow him to sleep. She even strangled him some time. But then suddenly she got missing, left him with his father and made his life a living hell. Not long after his father got arrested, and he was entrusted to his uncle with the money she always sent every month. After being close to Amu he felt he had someone to look after. Amu makes him feel normal and accepted, she's the only one who dare to tell him to not doing something bad beside Toro. She's literaly his little sister in everything but blood and different realigion. Because of that, when he failed to look after her Shoto started to be over protective of her.

Upi and Kiki don't know anything about this because Amu don't want other people to know and worry about her. Also Kiki maybe could keep silent but Upi has a big mouth so even if she's her best friend she would never tell her bigest darkest secret to her. She make that mistake once when she's in the middle school. She tell Upi her father and mother have a problem at that time and the next day one school know it so Toro and Sho Agree to never tell anyone about it.

They would take this secret to their grave to make sure Amu don't leave them.

Because of their bond, when Amu gave him advice Shoto listen and start looking for psychiatrist. But so far no one could understand him and truly concern with his problem, those people just want to get paid. He had a hard time to search until Shoto accidentally met her.

Shoto don't look for psychiatrist when he found her, he just walking around at night after buying nasi Padang for himself and dog food for Doggo until he accidentally found a glasses on the road.

The glasses had rectangular shape
with a purple frame.These glasses were so ordinary but for some reason, Sho want to know whether these were minus glasses or just style-purpose ones, but before he put them on, a girl with long silverish white hair, white pale skin, and thin lips aproached him. She wear a black skiny jeans and black gakuran that hug her like a second skin. Shoto stared at the woman who could be said so stunning he can't help but gaze at her. Moreover, her eyes not just blue but like a crystals made anyone who see those eyes autofocus.

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