Chapter Three ☆

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"Sometimes you need to lose who you were to find who you are."

The asphalt was already wet and stained a darker colour, and a cold breeze blew, spitting icy water with it. The storm had mostly blown over but the city was still marked with its reminders. Nyxa pushed open the doors to her work building- she remembered the odd occasion she'd pulled them instead.

Inhaling the scent of cleaning products and coffee, a part of her relaxed. She firmly believed two things were needed for productivity: cleanliness and caffeine.

Immediately a sharp pang rang through at what she was going to do. So, with a deep breath, she altered her course. Turning off her usual route to her office, Nyxa headed toward the Commissioner.
She knocked twice and entered.

"Chief Nova, I was waiting to see if I'd get a visit from you."

yxa swallowed at her second name. Gods, she hated her parents. Was it disrespectful to hate the dead? Either way she straightened.

"Sir?" She asked, surprised by his expecting expression.

xel Baros - Ace, as his familiars called him. Almost everyone in the police department had a nickname their colleagues called them by. It helped unite them- and gave some of them an opportunity to piss one another off in an innocent enough way.

"Come now, Nova. We're still sticking to formalities?" He asked.

Nyxa near grinned. "That depends, you still insist on using my second name every chance you get?"

"I happen to think your parents were very creative in using their second name to their advantage."

She fought an eye roll. Yes, yes, Nyxa Nova. Nyxa derived from Nyx meaning night and Nova meaning new Star. So all in all, her wonderfully sadistic parents had named their lovely baby girl Night Star- how delightful.
And when her gift had revealed itself... well, the name got a whole lot more ironic.

"And the name Nyxia-" He kept going

"Enough, Ace," She quickly interrupted. "This is why I never visit your office."

"Here I was thinking it was my good looks that intimidated you," He replied.

yxa supposed the statement wasn't untrue. Axel was incredibly attractive, his wavy auburn hair in a medium length mullet that complimented his russet coloured eyes with a slight golden shade to them- courtesy of his gift. He had a sharp nose and full lips on a slender yet defined face. She often thought he looked similar to the way fae were described in those fantasy books she used to read. Minus the whole pointy ear thing of course.
She also found the sharp scar cutting down a section of the one side of his annoyingly perfect jaw line to be quite endearing.

"We both know that's the one thing about you that might make me inclined to visit." She moved closer to his desk, trying to keep this conversation going as long as possible to avoid the inevitable.

e gave her a roguish grin, so at odds with his position and the image he was supposed to display for work. Axel was like that though, a million paradoxes pieced together. Nyxa had found it incredibly alluring when she'd first met him.

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