Chapter 3- dofe

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Y/n went to school the next day feeling refreshed and rejuvenated as she had sustained her daily dose of male attention. She ran up to her friends and asked what they were talking about.

Her friend fara said, "y/n!!!! We r signing up for dofe want to join??"

"Sure" said y/n "I have nothing to lose" (except for some weight- someone has been eating too much)

"Okay let's go!!!!" 😍🥺 said fara

.......3 weeks later.......

After long hours sitting in the bus, they started trekking with 100 lucozades in her bag enough to feed a homeless shelter. She was getting tired as she never did exercise, and you could tell. They finally stopped in a field to have lunch and she sat in cow poo (smelly, like her) and munched on all her food. As soon as she got up, her bag was 100 times lighter bc she needs an insane amount of food to survive. They started trekking back to the campsite, and when they got there they had a rest as they were so tired from carrying their heavy bags. They finally set up their tents and decided to pop off to take a poo. As they were walking, y/n saw a guy in a pink t-shirt who winked at her while they walked past and she went red like a tomato. When they arrived at the bathroom,

She said, "Oh Em Gee guys did you see that fine specimen that winked at me?!?!?!?!!?" "He's so hottttt"

They all screamed in unison like opera singers and started to shout things around, until diva had enough and told everybody to shut up. Then

Diva said, " you should totally ask him for his snap!!!!"

"YESSSSSSS"everyone screamed  and started jumping around like kangaroos

Y/n blushed and was thinking about food like always bc she's a fatty. They started walking back and pink shirt guy faked a fall in front of of them and

Cherry said, " OMG Y/N HE FELL FOR YOUU!!!!!!"

One of pink shirt guys friends heard this and was so angry he aimed a football to hit cherry but instead he hit diva and she fell and got a concussion and cherry gets mad when he tried to throw another one cherry caught it and said,

"You alright ladies?"

As they were walking back, diva started crying from the pain but y/n didn't really care, she just laughed and dreamed about pink shirt guy again and also food. It was finally time for bed so they all got in their uncomfortable tents and tried to go to sleep. However y/n couldn't sleep as she got a leg cramp and decided to call everyone there, but no one answered so she text Faron. that was a grave mistake. He was feeling a bit goofy (aka horny) and was telling her he could make her feel better. He sent a snap. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN. She opened and almost screamed it was a picture of his phalace. And then another snap. She was scared. A shiver went down her spine as she opened it. She had never seen something so big in her life. It was as tall as a Christmas tree. She didn't know what to do or say. As she laid in pain, she asked the unspeakable question......

"How long is it?"

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