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Azale walks around his court yard looking for a certain princess who had promised to meet him a bubbly and happy voice calls out form behind him "Come find me Azale!~" the voice teases making Azale look behind him where the maze stands "My dear are you in there?~" a giggle erupted from the maze as it gets farther away, Azale smiles and chases after the giggles Azale laughs himself at the situation "I will find you my Beloved Princess~" more giggles erupt from close by making Azale smile knowing his princess was nearby.....

Azale gasps as he wakes up in his massive bed alone sweat trickling down his forehead "Gods.. that dream again.. why does it haunt me.." Azale sneers as he smashes his fist in the wall behind him cracking it "Beloved I miss you.." Azale has tears in his deep forest green eyes his raven black hair is sticking to his neck. Azale sighs and runs his fingers through his hair trying to comfort himself "Even war doesn't haunt me as much as those memories.." Azale slides out of bed abandoning the bed of silk in favor of dressing for the day..

Azale stares into the smashed mirror in his bathroom the shards laying on the counter his hand covered in dry blood from the night before "why must I see your face in everything.."

Azale hears the giggles he adores when he looks up from his hands he sees his beloved giggling in the mirror her hands gently caressing the necklace that he got her the silver chain makes her ivory skin pop against it a shadow of his past self  kissing her neck and whispering sweet nothings to her "you are the most gorgeous woman in the world my Beloved~"....

Azale groans into his hands "please stop.." He walks out of the bathroom and into his closet making him even angrier than before seeing the pure white dress on the mannequin

Azale watches as his beloved gushing over how she found the perfect dress for her to get married in "Look how perfect it is Azale!~" she looks up at him her doe eyes staring at him with all of the love and affection she could give Azale looks at the silk dress...

Azale is gasping for his breath as his hands tremble as he looks at the dress before tearing his eyes away, Azale finds his clothes and puts them on before rushing out of the room to get rid of the haunting memories when he gets to the throne room his body and breath is trembling

His Beloved sits in the empty queen throne with his crown drooping on her head because It is to big for her as she giggles happily "I can't wait to be your queen Azale.. and sit on this throne next to you~" she coos at him...

Azale is crying in agony at this point everything in the castle reminds him of his beloved and he was going mad over it "Stop it!! Leave me alone!.." he cries his hands gripping at his hair tightly "your just memories!! Why do you haunt me so?!" Azale gets up shaking and walks towards the war room with his hatful eyes staring straight ahead at the massive door his footsteps thundering against the marble floors, Azale throws open the massive doors with a bang scaring his advisers who are sitting at the war table with a map.

"Your Majesty.." the advisers bow to the angered king who looks angrier than they have ever seen him "What his happening on the battle field?.." Azale sits in his chair and stares at the map his angry eyes unmoving from a nation on the map

"I hail from Magnolia it's the littlest country but we are the main trades kingdom we have plenty of resources to give.." Azale looks at his beloved who smiles sadly "I care about my people.. but my family exploits them for riches.. they don't even give a scrap to the poor of our kingdom.. that why every week I take a carriage filled with food that I personally paid for and give it to the poor.." "Your heart is the purest of any I have ever seen.." Azale says to his Beloved "that's the point Avarice turns people's heart black with Selfishness and hate for those they consider beneath them.." His Beloved cups his cheeks and looks into his eyes "Even if you spoil me with all the riches of your kingdom.. I'd just give it back to the poor i would never succumb to Avarice.."

"Magnolia its trying to fight back but it's futile no one want to fight for them.." one of the older Advisers laughs "there poor was treated so badly that even with pounds of gold and royals begging at their feet they still refuse to fight for the royals.." another one of the older Advisors chuckles

The youngest Adviser clears his throat "if I'm not being too rash your highness may I ask why this war is-" Another Adviser covers the boys mouth "please forgive the boy your majesty he doesn't understand what lengths you would go to for your Beloved's honor.." the Adviser pushes the boys head down making him bow "apologies.." the youngest Adviser says as he looks at the map remorseful

Azale watches as his beloved rides off in a carriage as she waves happily towards him "I will see you soon my Love!~" Azale smiles fondly at his beloved's retreating figure "You have been gone for only seconds.. and I already miss you.."

Azale's face softens a bit but hardens back up immediately "never mind that.. when is the next raid happening?" Another adviser spoke up "Within the next hour your majesty.." "what is the damage to our army?.." "Very minimal only about 50 deaths out of 10,000 soldiers.." Azale nods and hums quietly "Good.. that tiny kingdom doesn't stand a chance against as us.. our soldiers alone are about as many people their kingdom is made of and no one want to fight for there black hearted rulers.." Azale's gaze hardens even more but an small smirk spreads across his face

His Beloved laughs as she squishes his cheeks her sleeve rolled up revealing a few bumps and bruises concerning Azale "Beloved are you alright?.." Azale grabs her arm inspecting the bruises and gently kissing the bruises making her giggle "I'm alright dear.. you know how clumsy I am~.." Azale keeps kissing her bruises some old and some new "You are clumsy dear.. but I have been preventing most of them.." Hjs Beloved looks away nervously "I'm more clumsy than you think~.."

Azale's hand grips the chair he was sitting in his nails digging deep into the wood "I have learned what I needed to you are all dismissed.." Azale says as he stands up and the ten advisers stand as well "thank you out your Majesty.." The advisers shuffle out of the war room leaving Azale to himself

The Advisers as she shuffled out quietly chastising the youngest over his question to Azale "Have you gone mad boy! Why would you question the king?!" "What where you think boy!" "Do you really not know why this war was waged?!" "Never ask that again if you want to keep your head attached to your body!" The boy was shrinking into himself but then the oldest Adviser puts his hand on the youngest's shoulder "if you really wish to know how the future queen died.. come with me it isn't safe for us to speak out here near the king.."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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