Chapter 1

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"Damn, I'm so tired," Ruka says as she flops on the couch.

"Ruka, don't forget to take a shower before you go sleep," Ahyeon says.

"Shouldn't you be telling that to Chiquita since she just left to go to her room, which means she's probably gonna sleep now?" Ruka says.

"Really!" Ahyeon looks around."I'll go tell her right now, so while I'm busy doing that, you can take a shower.

"Ugh, fine, I'll take a shower, mom," Ruka says.

"Good, and Pharita, can you make sure she actually does?" Ahyeon says.

"Sure" Pharita says.

"Thanks unnie, and could u tell the others that there's no practice tomorrow, I forgot to tell them" Ahyeon says as she walks to her and Chiquita's room. [They are roommates]

"Sure" Pharita says as she sits next to ruka, who's laying on the couch.

"Unnie stand up, you need to shower than you can finally rest" Pharita says as she pulls ruka's arms.

"Fine, I'm standing up."Ruka says as she gets up.

"Good" Pharita says looking up to ruka.

"You wanna shower together? We could save water" Ruka says with a smirk on her face .

"No thank you unnie, you know I find it very weird how it's so normal to shower together here in korea" Pharita says while a blush is growing on her face.

"Oh common, we do that in Japan also, it's not weird" Ruka says as she walks to the bathroom to shower.

"IT IS" Pharita shouts.

"Hey unnie what are you shouting about" Haram says as she walks out of the kitchen with a bowl of ice cream in her hand.

"It's nothing just ruka being weird again" Pharita says as she walks to her room with a blush still on her face.

"Ok?" Haram says with a confused face.

"I wonder where Rora is ,she promised she would watch a movie with me? Nevermind I bet she's cuddling with Asa unnie" Haram says to herself .

"Mmm more ice cream for me than" Haram says as she flops on the couch.

In Rupharam's room

Pharita is busy taking sleeping clothes out for Ruka to put on. Than took out something for her also to wear when she's done showing.

"Done, now I just have to wait for Ruka to get done so that I can shower after her" Pharita says .

"What should I do after, I don't wanna sleep coz I'm not tired at the moment, maybe I should join haram in watching a movie" Pharita starts rambling to herself.

"Cute" Ruka says as she stands by the door with a towel on.

"Fuck ruka you scared me!?" Pharita says with her hand on her face .

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