Chapter 5

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Ruka pov

"Babe" Pharita called me.

"Hmm" I said back looking at her.

"Did you not listen to what I was saying?" Pharita said giving me a frown.

"Oh sorry I was distracted by the poster on the wall" I said pointing to the poster on the wall, it was a girl who had a soup dumpling in her mouth with the soup squirting out of the dumpling.

"Oh, that's an interesting poster" Pharita said looking at it with her eyebrows lifting up.

Me and Pharita were currently on a date which the members obviously think it's a friendly date. We were at a soup dumpling restaurant that we have never been to but have always wanted to try their dumplings since everyone talks about it.

"Anyway forget the poster, I wanted to say let's start eating before the food gets cold" Pharita said pointing at the different types of dumplings on the table.

"Oh the foods here already I didn't even realize" I said grabbing a pair of chopsticks.

"Ya coz your to busy looking at the girl on the poster" Pharita said giving me a glare.

"Wait are you jealous of a girl on a poster" I said giving her a weird look.

"No, lets eat already" Pharita said while grabbing a soup dumpling. Just as she took a bit of the dumpling, the soup inside the dumpling squirted out of it from the front hitting my shirt since I was opposite her.

"Damn no wonder that poster was on the wall" I said laughing slightly.

"I'm so sorry" Pharita said as she finished eating the dumpling than handed me a napkin. Damn she first finishes the dumpling than gives me a napkin, what a nice gf.

"Thanks" I said grabbing the napkin. After cleaning my shirt, there was still a stain on my shirt.

"Here" Pharita said taking off her jacket and giving it to me.

"Thanks" I said as i put the jacket on.

"Your welcome, you should try the soup dumplings, they are amazing, just don't mess like i did" Pharita said grabbing one of the pan fried dumplings.

"Ya I'll make sure not to mess like you" I said giggling, than grabbing a soup dumpling.

We talked about how we were gonna tell the members about us but we are still hesitant because we do trust them but it could spread around that we are dating which we do not want, so I think we will be keeping it to ourselves for now. After we were done eating we than decided to walk around in the mall.

"Ooo this looks pretty ,right ruka" Pharita said pulling me towards a jewelry store. We stood outside looking at the different types of jewelry in the glass window.

"Look at these matching bracelets" she said pointing at the bracelets that had an infinity on them, one gold and one silver. They were pretty cute.

"Do you like them" I said glancing at Pharita.

"Yep, we should get them" Pharita said dragging me inside the jewelry shop.

"Excuse me could we see a pair of those infinity bracelets that is being displayed by the window" Pharita said to the person infront of the counter.

"Sure thing ma'am" The girl said getting a pair of the bracelets. She's pretty young, I think she's atleast a year younger than me.

"Yep they look perfect Ruka, you should take the silver one coz silver looks good on you" she said holding the bracelet near my face. Weirdo.

Pharita didn't even look at the price, she just took her card out of her purse and paid for it.

"Why did you do that, I wanted to pay for it" I said looking up to her, even though that price scares me.

"No you already paid for the food, so it was my turn" Pharita said while grabbing the bag that the girl gave to her.

As we were walking towards the exit, Pharita stopped me.

"Wait I wanna put the bracelet on you" Pharita said opening the bag and taking out the two bracelets out of the box, than through the bag and box inside of the trashcan . Did she really just do that.

She than grabbed my wrist an put it on for me.

"If you take it off, I will never forgive you" Pharita said glaring at me.

"Ok I won't" I said than grabbed the gold bracelet and put it on her wrist.

"There we should go, it's getting a bit late" I said looking at my watch.

"Ya let's go" Pharita said while grabbing my arm.

As we were walking home, three girls approached us.

"Umm I'm sorry to bother you but are you Ruka and Pharita from Babymonster" one of the girls said giving us a smile, they looked atleast 16. And damn we haven't even debuted but people already know us, well it's probably since they post our evaluations on youtube.

"Ya we are" Pharita said giving them a smile.

"Omg, could we please get a photo with you guys if it's not a bother, since I would ask an autograph but I don't have a pen" The same girl said looking at us with a pleading face.

"Sure" I said as she took her phone out of her pocket and took a selfie with us.

"Thank you so much" all 3 of them said than bowed and waved.

"Well they seem nice" I said as we started walking again.

"Ya, I can't believe we already have people that know us, so they are considered fans right" Pharita said looking at me with a big smile.

"Yep" I said smiling back at her.

We finally arrived home, I opened the door, but what I saw was not what I expected.

"What the heck?!" Me and Pharita said at the same time, looking inside of the dorm.

My first cliffhanger!

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