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a/n: you have a nightmare and nat comforts you; this was written with bw nat in mind :)

When you finally manage to wake up from the nightmare, you sit up straight, eyes wide and heart beating so fast it feels like it's about to jump out of your chest. You're covered in sweat but still shivering, your baby hairs sticking to your forehead.

It was a dream about HYDRA or, more specifically, your time there. Being a lab rat was everything but easy, and what they did to you left scars so deep they'll never heal properly. The nightmares are reoccurring, as they happen a few times a month, and the panic attacks and flashbacks are still common and happen weekly, if not daily. Usually you manage to fall asleep afterwards — but not tonight.

It's been half an hour since you woke up, and you still haven't been able to go back to sleep. You're laying in your bed, on your back, your eyes open as you're staring at the ceiling fan. The compound is as quiet as always; no one is awake at 3am, only you are. And even though you live in a place full of superheroes, that still terrifies you. You hate being alone with your thoughts.

You finally decide to get up and do something risky. You sneak out of your room, check the dark hallway and then approach the door to the left of yours. You slowly press down the door handle, revealing a familiar bedroom in front of you. It's dark here as well, except for the small, yellow, star-shaped nightlight on the wall; a gift from you.

"Nat?", you whisper, hoping the redhead won't mistake you for a burglar or something like that. The older woman shuffles in her sleep, sighing quietly as she doesn't open her eyes. You approach her bed slowly, carefully. "Nat?", you repeat.

She barely opens her eyes, immediately recognizing your voice. "Y/N. Everything okay?", she mumbles drowsily.

"I had a nightmare."

Natasha blinks a few times and then nods, slowly lifting the blanket so you can slip in between the sheets next to her. You do that, and the feeling of the warm blanket exchanging the cold floor is magical. You breathe out through your nose and settle next to her, feeling the warmth she's radiating.

"What nightmare?", she asks, closed eyes and mumbling voice making it clear she's still half-asleep.

"HYDRA. They came and took me." Your voice is a mere whisper.

"I won't let that happen." A surprised look spreads on her face when you inch closer to hesitantly cuddle yourself into her. After a moment of careful consideration, she wraps her arm around you and you scoot even closer to her until your bodies are flush. You put your head on her chest, hearing her steady heartbeat through the thin fabric of her shirt.

"I know." You nuzzle your face against her neck, inhaling deeply. Her scent is comforting and sweet, as familiar as nothing else by now.

Natasha nods sleepily, and you stay silent for a few seconds. Then she speaks up again, now sounding more awake. "If anyone tries to hurt you, they're dead. Don't worry."


"I'm serious." The woman runs her hand over your back, soothing you. It sends shivers up your spine, and you can feel the warmth of her palm against your head as she now runs her fingers through your hair. Her chin is resting on the top of your head as she holds you. The feeling of security and comfort you're experiencing right now is indescribable.

"Sorry for waking you, by the way. I know you have to get up early..."

"Don't apologize. I'm here whenever you need me." Natasha finally lifts her head a little, and you look up at her. She cups your cheek with one hand, tilting her head ever so slightly. Her green eyes are warm and soft as they bore into yours. "And you're always free to come here, okay? My door is always open for you."

"Okay." You feel a pink shade cover your cheeks as you feel her warm palm against your face. Natasha notices and smiles.

"You'll be alright", she finally says and lays back down again, pulling you into her and tightening her arms around your waist. You fall asleep quickly, your face against her chest and your cheeks still flushed.

. . .

a/n: just imagine cuddling nat ❤️‍🩹 it would solve all my problems instantly

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