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[A/N:This is my first Bxb story plus English is definitely not my first language so you may find so many flaws in it. So please kindly inform me. Corrections are welcome. Also this story is all my imagination and I never intended to hurt someone's reputation and never tried to defame a celebrity so please enjoy it as a actual story. Thank you.]

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!?!!?!!?" A female figure is shouting at the top of her lungs.

"My love I have you lots of signs but you didn't noticed," One male spoke up with a husky voice.

"But why?! I trusted you more and you pay me this!? This is what you pay me this for my unconditional love?!?!!?? Answer me!!" She shouts at him and she's crying in mess.

"Love have two rules. It may heal you or kill you inside." He take out his knife and stabbed her and she screamed in pain.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!" The girl screams and realised that she just saw a nightmare. She touched her forehead and she was having cold sweats.

"Phew~" She sighs before dozing off again. She felt something hard on her back. Something like hugging her back.

"What happened Darling? Did you saw a nightmare again?" One male spoke up with his raspy morning voice that she gets relieved.

"YAH MINGYU IT'S ALWAYS YOU LITERALLY KILLED ME IN MY DREAM!!!!!!" She playfully hits his shoulder once she turn to face him.

"Yah Joohyeon it hurts it was a dream. I don't have dare to hurt you babe~"Mingyu whined in pain.

"Say that 'babe' thing again and you're dead. And what the heck why were you sleeping shirtless!? Don't say you-" She look at his shirtless figure. Toned abs were enough to cover her eyes.

"So what should I do if it was too hot last night!? You know that it's winter but yesterday's weather was too hot for me so that's why I slept shirtless~" He replies her playfully with hint of annoyance.

"Okay but don't hug me like that okay? I seriously hate this. What if you-" Joohyeon complaints while she gets cut off.

"Aigoo my innocent girlfriend~ you're 26. Same age as me. We're engaged and gonna marry soon so you should have habit of this. And you think I'm gonna touch you without your permission? That's a big no for me." He playfully pull her cheeks and cupped it.

"Shut up Mingyu-ah~" She whined in annoyance.

"Btw why it's always me to kill you?" Mingyu asked Joohyeon and she simply shrugged.

"I don't know about this. But I heard that Haesoo and Ririn are also experiencing same dream as me. Seungcheol and Wonwoo has been stabbing them since they got engaged," She empathize her beloved friends.

"But look what fate has brought to us? We all met each other at the school and went on same college. All Seventeen members proposed to All Thysimarine members. Seungcheol hyung got Haesoo noona, Jeonghan hyung got Yeona noona, Jisoo hyung got Sooran noona, Jun hyung got Zhang Miaoyi noona, Hoshi hyung got Haeji noona, Wonwoo hyung got Ririn noona, Woozi hyung got Jiyeon noona, Dokyeom got Yiwol, I got you, Minghao got Cheng Tian, Seungkwan got Ahyeo, Hansol got Younghee and Chan got Yeomi!" Mingyu explained her their fate.

"We were 13 now we are 26. We got engaged in the same date and gonna marry together!! Isn't that amazing?" Joohyeon add her comment.

"Yeah that's indeed a fact. We're made for each other." He puts his head on her shoulders.

"Okay I agree with you but you know what? You should wear something. What if someone comes?!" Joohyeon hits him again on his shoulders.

"OKAY OKAY SWEETHEART I'MMA WEAR SOMETHING BEFORE YOU ROAST ME!" Mingyu put his hands on the air showing himself surrendered to his fiance.

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