Akko's Muppetational Debut!

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Our little story begins on a Thursday afternoon, as the sun began to set over Luna Nova. It was dinnertime at the moment, so students and teachers were enjoying some chicken, that had buttery mashed potatoes and peas on the side. Of course, no one seemed to be enjoying it more than the school's local brunette hero, Atsuko Kagari.  She was happily chowing down on the meal, happy that it was something more than just a potato-based meal again like when she first came here. On top of that, she was accompanied by her friends/fellow red teammates, along with the green and blue teams too. Let's see what they're talking about, shall we? 

"Akko, please refrain from eating so fast, unless you'd rather risk a choking hazard." Diana scolded Akko a bit. 

The girl in question looked at her girlfriend with a deadpan look on her face, before going back to eating. 

"I don't know why you even bother anymore." Sucy started to talk. "Nothing's ever going to change Akko when it comes to filling up her stomach." 

The others found it hard to disagree with that statement. Eventually, Akko finished eating her dinner. 

"Hey, I can't help it if the food's tastier than before!" She said in her defense. "Plus, it's something more than just starch, so it's a heck of a win-in in my book!" 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Akko." Hannah rolled her eyes. 

Right at that moment, one of the school's many workers, a goblin who we'll call Louie for the sake of convenience, came over to the three teams with a letter in his hands. 

"Letter for Atsuko Kagari!" He said. 

"Thanks, Louie." Akko said as she grabbed said letter. 

Now it should be noted that the brown-haired itch herself was on good terms with the staff ever since she joined forces with them during the strike from a while ago. Anyway, Louie nodded and took his leave. 

"Is it a letter from home, Akko?" Jasminka asked. 

"Doesn't look like it." Akko replied. 

The letter itself was green and sealed by a sticker of a green M that had a jester's collar at the top, which had a lighter shade of green. 

"Well, open it and read it to us." Barbara told her. 

Akko nodded her head and opened the letter, then took out the piece of paper inside to read it over herself. It went like this: "To Atsuko Kagari, the gang and I saw you and your friends flying through the air to stop that missile, and we found it to be quite amazing! So, we'd like to formally invite all of you to our humble to watch our show, and in the case of you, Akko, you'll get to be our special guest! Please show up on Friday afternoon for rehearsals at 5:00 PM, and we hope to see you all there. Sincerely yours, Kermit the Frog.". When she finished reading the letter, Akko's crimson eyes were unbelievably wide from how surprised she was. Her hands started to shake like she was freezing out of nowhere. 

"Yo, Akko, are you ok?" Amanda asked. 

Now, the following scream that came out of her mouth somehow managed to shake the cafeteria a bit, and cracked some tea cups. Thankfully, everyone plugged their ears to avoid going deaf, being used to moments like this from her. Once she was done, they all unplugged their ears. 

"That answers that question." Hannah said to the group. 

"What does it say, Akko? Is it good news or bad news?" Lotte asked in a worried voice. 

Atsuko continued to stay silent for a moment, before whispering: 

"They want me on the Muppet Show..." 

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